
Last Updated on August 17, 2018


Tonight was my son’s band concert.  You really haven’t lived until you’ve enjoyed hours of elementary band, orchestra and choir music!  It was precious … long but precious.  And because I had my crew with me, it was also a little bit raucous.

We were there 45 minutes early.  I’d planned on dropping off my son and running an errand, but when we arrived the principal directed us to a parking spot.  I’m still a bit afraid of school principals, so I parked.  We all climbed out in our standard clown car style … shoes, bags, and various odds and ends falling out around us.  We always put on a show … something between vaudeville and a circus act.

Once we’d collected our paraphernalia from the car and the parking lot, we headed inside. I think loud party music should be blasting as soon as my family enters the building.  If we lived in the old west we’d be the ones who burst into the saloon and cause everyone to stop and look in wonder.  Thankfully my little posse stayed relatively quiet until … the opening prayer.

As the audience quieted and bowed their heads, my youngest daughter dropped her purse–which would’ve been no big deal if we weren’t sitting on bleachers and if it wasn’t FULL of pennies.  The noise was shocking.  It seemed to last for hours … and the principal continued praying.

We all tried to forget what we’d just heard. But oh, it didn’t end there … oh no! That’s not the way we roll … when the noise ended, my sweetie thought it’d be okay to pick up her purse which was still in the upside-down position … and still FULL of pennies.  So there was ANOTHER round of pennies pouring out … loudly.  It just seemed to go on forever.  How in the world did I not know she was carrying enough pennies to pay off the national debt?  Thankfully it didn’t seem to annoy too many.

I think most were laughing and secretly thanking God that it wasn’t their child.

That might be what I do best … make other parents feel better about life.  No matter how hard I try to be on top of things, I can’t seem to pull it off.  No matter what I do, something always happens.  It could be as little as juice spilling or as big as disrupting a concert.

It’s a gift.

It’s actually my gift to you.  No matter how often you feel like you’re a complete mess, believe me, I’m probably messier.  When you wish you could get your kids to dress like normal people, just remember my youngest is probably outside in her underwear and pj top.  When you wish your house was neater, just imagine what my house must be like when the best adjective I can think of to describe it most days is sticky.  I’m just gonna be that mom with the rambunctious kids and the stickiest house, but, you know what?  I’m okay with that – ’cause we bring the party!!



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  1. I LOVE this post! I read it out loud to my family and they loved it too! I bet that your family is a great blessing in many areas! 🙂

  2. There are only so many hours in a day and it consistently sounds like to me you spend them doing the right things – as an involved mom! God knew you were the right mom for the children He gave you. I know there are lots of different kinds of moms out there and God loves each and every one of us and we should each listen for his voice. Just know your voice makes me smile cause attitude matters and YOU have a GREAT attitude! And Girl…I would much rather visit the house with the party than the house with the white glove and silence. But that’s just me! :0)

  3. Thank you for this chuckle….not at you with you. I exhaled a sigh of relief thanking God for showing me my family and I are not the only circus act out there who makes a grand entrance everywhere we go. We too have our own family theme music when we walk in, except for my preschooler she has her own because she is a diva. So from the Texas single mom family……Thank you for this reminder that it is ok!

    1. Noemi,

      I wish we could hang out! It would be so fun to plan a “grand entrance” somewhere together! God bless you and yours – including the diva (I have one or two of those as well!)

      In His Care,

  4. Sue, this post was so refreshing to me today. I have four little kids. My oldest just started elementary school and the second oldest preschool. I just sent my son to school with a signed permission slip that was half eaten by my 8 month old and I feel like there is an embarrassing moment half of the time we leave the house. I keep telling myself we’ll get our act together soon. I think I just need to have a better sense of humor about it, and be thankful that I’m giving people a “gift” of not being or looking perfect. Being a circus act comes with the territory of having kids and letting them be kids. Thank you for that perspective, I needed to hear it today!

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you so much for sharing! I love the chewed on permission slip! You rock!! You probably blessed some poor school teacher/administrator with a smile!

      In His Care,

  5. What a refreshing and honest look at single motherhood! I am now an empty nester, but raised two daughters…. some days I felt just like that. God is ALWAYS good, blessing beyond all measure! Daughters are now grown, closely identifying with your blog. Many blessings to you and your family! You are so precious and I will keep you in my prayers