Author: Kimberly Sprout

Hello there, I’m a super blessed wife to Steve. I affectionately refer to my children as “Our Tribe of Five” and our whole family is known by our loved ones as “The Sprout Seven”. God gave us four sons through birth and our daughter through the miracle of adoption. I’m a clearance queen, garage sale girl, anything crafty (especially from paper) turning trash to treasure, sports mama cheering on my kids, energized by gift giving (I like getting them, too!) ,encourager of people(especially MOMS!) with a passion for marriage , family and dark chocolate! My parents gave me the legacy of “J-O-Y” (Jesus, Others, Yourself) to pass on to my kiddos. If I’m not volunteering at my kid’s school, having lunch with my hubby or keeping teenage boys fed, then you might find me working on the MomLifeToday planning team which helps remind me to fulfill one of my greatest callings …to be a mom! Steve and I have been married for 19 years and kids have been calling me “mom” for 17 years.