Girl coloring on the floor

Last Updated on June 17, 2024

The summer season is the perfect time for creating lasting memories with your children. As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, it’s the time for adventures, laughter, and family bonding.

To add a sprinkle of fun and a dash of excitement to your summer plans, we’ve created a special Summertime Bingo game that’s perfect for kids ages 4-10. And the best part? We’ve made the bingo boards into free printables just for you!!

Summer days can start getting long after a few weeks as out kiddos begin to complain that they are “bored!” 

While I do enjoy participating with my children in fun ideas and activities, I also believe there is great value in having school aged children be “self-directed” throughout a portion of their day.

Lately we’ve been trying this new game called “Boredom Buster Bingo” a fun bingo game that gives the kids a chance to try fun activities all summer long! Now, we’ve made a version just for summer vacation… Summertime Bingo. You just might find it’s the perfect fun game for your kids’ summer break as well!

Summer bingo activity

Why Summertime Bingo?

Summertime Bingo is more than just a game; it’s a fun way to encourage our kids to explore, learn, and get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. With our summer bingo cards, we really wanted to focus on activities that promote creativity, family togetherness, and the beauty of God’s creation.

So these bingo cards are filled with engaging activities that are easy to do and full of fun. I love seeing the way they’ve helped my kids establish independence and use their creativity. I know you’ll love them for your personal use, too!

Linked below are two types of printable bingo cards. One is already filled in with ideas to keep your kids busy with various options throughout their day. The other bingo card is blank with lots of free space, so you can customize it with activities you know your kids have interest in or new areas you desire for them to try.

Looking for extra ideas to add to your kids summer bingo game? Check out these 53 Fun Role-Playing Ideas for Kids.

How to Play

The idea is to print bingo templates for each child that will participate and give them the time frame they have to get a “BINGO” on their card.  As they complete an activity in a square, they can cover it with a sticker, color it in, or cross it out.

The goal is to complete a row, column, or diagonal line. You can also challenge them with getting a “full card” on their game boards in a determined amount of time.

As for “rewards,” try to keep it simple and related to what motivates your child/ren. One idea for keeping the focus off of the reward is to have it be a team effort (if you have more than one child). 

An example would be putting a predetermined amount of money in a family jar for each “full card.”. Once there is enough money, the family could go out for ice cream together. Or how about keeping the reward focused on others?? As a family, choose someone to bless that has a need. Add money to the jar and give to that person/organization at the end of the summer.

No matter how you choose to play, this should be another great activity to add to your summer bucket list.

Get Your Free Printables

To get started, simply download and print our free Summertime Bingo cards right here!  

Then, feel free to write or type in your own activities on the bingo card template that we’ve included! We hope this interactive game will be so much fun for your young people and that it will keep your little ones engaged and excited all summer long.

More Fun Summer Bingo Ideas

Looking for another great idea to add to your free printable bingo cards? Here are some additional activities to add to your blank bingo cards.

  1. Ride your bike.
  2. Write a poem or song about summertime.
  3. Collect leaves, rocks and flowers outside and turn them into something creative!
  4. Use materials from around the house to make a fun summer-themed craft. Think homemade kites, painted rocks, or flower crowns
  5. Write a letter to God thanking him for the beautiful summer days and all the blessings you enjoy.
  6. Color a picture
  7. Play in the sprinkler
  8. Make paper airplanes.
  9. Make a collage with magazine cutouts.
  10. Go on a bug hunt.
  11. Make an instrument using homemade supplies
  12. Make something unique out of playdoh or clay

Encouraging Family Bonding

Summertime Bingo is a wonderful way to create meaningful experiences with your children. It encourages them to step away from screens, explore their surroundings, and cherish time spent with family. Most importantly, it offers opportunities to teach them about gratitude, God’s love, and the joy found in simple pleasures.

Download your free Summertime Bingo printable today and help make this summer unforgettable. From one mom to another, hope this helps during these long summer months!!


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  1. Just Pinned this great idea for the kids. Thanks.

    1. Hope your kids enjoy it!!

  2. This is a great idea! I’ll be using it soon. Thanks:)