
I pick up the phone and the words, “I want to quit my job” ring out!

“Which one?”

“The one that has little pay, where everyone seems ungrateful and there’s always more to do than I’ve already done!”

“Oh, you mean your job as a servant?”

“Yes, I want to quit THAT job!!”

“Well, you can’t, so go on and have your pity party and then you need to come to terms with who you are working for.  Are you a servant to your family or a servant to God?”


This was a recent short conversation between me and one of my dearest friends.  I am the older of the two of us, by ten years.  She always says how she looks up to me, but today, the woman’s voice ringing out, the one desiring to quit – ME!  The one with the encouragement and wise advice – her.

I have been mommy”ing” for well over 20 years and frankly, I am tired and I want to do something new!

The truth is parenting is taking a lot longer than I ever anticipated (I still have at least 15 more years) and I guess I never thought it would be so hard.

Am I right?

It was fun and easy when the kids were small and agreed with everything I said, but with the growing up of our children so has the growing of our need to give of my time, energy, and prayer.

The weariness I felt on that day brought me to a place where I was reminded of the faithfulness of God.  Times when I am tired and ready to give up, I know God would never give up on me.

As a parent, my Heavenly Father is available and willing to walk with me each and every day.

He has been my refuge and strength and a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1) and so many times in my weaknesses He has shown himself to be extremely strong.  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

So I will not give up on my position as I serve my family well.  I will continue to depend on the Lord, His strength and absolute need to fully depend on Him.

I am sure there will be times when I will want to give up on many things, because of how difficult it may seem at the time.  But these times, these times where I become completely dependent upon Him… have really made my relationship with Christ grow stronger.

So, to all of us that are ready for a new position because the one we have is over-whelming right now…

[verse reference=”Galatians 6:9″]Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. [/verse]

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  1. For a second I wondered if this post was mine! 18 yrs down and 15 to go! Thank you for sharing and for encouraging and for allowing God to use you right where you are!

    1. Hey Sue,
      I think this is where we all are at this season (see Tracey’s post two or three days ago). That is why it is so necessary to have this and other sites that encourage us to continue on! We will not wallow in our weariness! (Knowing that Christ’s strength is perfected in our weakness! Blessings to you today.

      1. This is so PROFOUND and INSIGHTFUL, Rob! REST (literally, when you can) ASSURED JEHOVAH is using you! All my Love and PRAYERS to you as you continue on this journey! :oD

  2. OMG!!! What about when YOU THINK you’re finished, But God has GENERATIONS as your assignment?!
    HIS Grace is STILL SUFFICIENT!! Thank you Lord for YOUR grace and strength to carry us through the assignments that you have for our lives. Thanks Robyn for reminding us that is is ONLY BY HIS GRACE that we can carry out the assignments set before us with JOY AND THANKSGIVING! Thank you God for using us for YOUR GLORY! Amen!!

  3. Robyn, your words are always right on time. The Lord always uses you to encourage me, to refocus me. You are right: we have to take Him at His word, and stand on it!

  4. Great post Robyn! I appreciate your transparency… it’s always nice to know others struggle with the same issues. Although my kids are all grown and out of the house, and the weary times of mothering are pretty much over, now there are grandkids. What a blessing they are… although there are still those times when Satan manages to get his foot in door and encourages me to forget that God is holding me in His hands and I don’t have to worry about being weary. Thanks for taking the time to write in your very busy life!!

  5. I so agree with you Robyn, we all, especially those of us who have children of all ages, have those days when we feel unappreciated and wonder if we will ever have an empty nest. Then one day you realize that it may not be as far off as you realize. I have been parenting for almost 28 years and still have 10 or so to go, but I choose to remember in those days how God has so blessed. It can make one weary at times and even discouraged but it is then that I choose to recall all those fun, enjoyable things with my kids and grandkids and be thankful to God for them and who they are becoming in Him. Thanks for sharing with us and thanks for being Mom#2 to one of my own. Love ya!!