
Last Updated on April 26, 2018

As I get older, I realize more and more that this journey of faith is just that – a journey. Though I’m only 26, I became a Christian as a small child, so I’ve walked this path for some 20 years already.

I’m starting to realize that there truly are seasons of life, as well as seasons in my relationship with God.

In my first “season,” I had the “faith of a child” that Jesus talks about. I rightly believed every word He said, as well as every word from my parents’ mouths. This season was easy because there was little to counteract my faith. I lived in a Christian home, had Christian friends and went to a good church. It was good (and easy) to be a Christian.

My next “season” of faith was my teenage years. Becoming a teenager complicated things a little. Suddenly, all my “Christian” friends weren’t acting so “Christian.” Relationships in my life felt pulled and stretched to the point I feared they may pop. I struggled with temptations and talked with God daily, asking for both strength and forgiveness. He was always there and He was always faithful. And I came out a stronger person on the other side.

My college years were one of my favorite “seasons” yet. I got involved in an amazing campus ministry and was discipled by people passionately pursuing God. I had lengthy “quiet times,” was part of a biblical community, and watched as God did miraculous things. Sometimes I still pine for those days.

But now I’m in a different season. This season includes toddlerhood and sippy cups and diapers and potty training and tantrums and spilled milk and dirty laundry. It also includes better hugs and kisses than I ever dreamed possible and a heart that sometimes feels it may burst from joy.

It also, however, includes a marriage that feels stretched thin and a bank account that often sits on empty. And what it doesn’t include is anything close to a “lengthy” quiet time. (Hello quick devotional on my iPhone!)

Sometimes I wonder why things must be so difficult. I wonder why my kids won’t listen the first time, why we can’t seem to get ahead, and why spill-proof sippy cups still spill?!! I also wonder if my husband and I will ever be stress-free again like we were in our early years.

But then I remember that this is only a season.

[verse reference=”Ecclesiastes 3:1″]For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.[/verse]

And I remember that God has and will use every season of life for my good and for His glory. And mostly, I remember that through each season, He is faithful.


  • Kelcie Huffstickler

    Kelcie Huffstickler has a B.S. in Journalism from Arkansas State University and has written for a number of family publications and websites. She and her high-school-sweetheart hubby have been married for seven years and parents for four. They have two daughters, Eden and Selah, and sometimes feel like they’re swimming upstream in the toddler years. Kelcie’s husband is a firefighter, and she works part-time as a high school abstinence education instructor. Despite feeling overwhelmed by this stage of life, Kelcie is committed to intentional parenting and passing a heritage of faith to her children. She enjoys living among family in the safety of a small town and writes about it on her blog This Beautiful Inheritance. @Kelciehuff

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  1. I guess you could say I am in the “silver season”. Nearing fifty and now a mimi as well as a mama, the years seem to pass by much faster than when I was young. Cherish each season, even the difficult ones. One day we all come to see it is through the most challenging periods of life that we gain the most valuable wisdom.

  2. I so understand where you’re coming from. With raising a child with autism, sometimes I feel as though I’ve been stuck in the same toddler phase for 8 years. But I know all seasons pass.

    1. I can’t pretend to know how that feels, Jennifer. But you’re right, seasons pass, and God’s Word remains the same, no matter the circumstance.

  3. My current season: 27, married 6 1/2 years, raising my 2 stepchildren since I was 17 (they were 1 1/2 and 6mths old at the time their dad and I got together, they are now 11 and 10), struggling with infertility all the while being foster parents to a broken 2yr old boy… TOUGH season! Thankfully my HOPE is in CHRIST!

    1. Thankfully, for sure! That sounds tough. But it sounds like your perspective is just where it should be. Keep pressing on!