How to Find Gratitude When Your Heart is Broken
Have you heard the phrase, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good?” If asked, I’m sure we all…
Have you heard the phrase, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good?” If asked, I’m sure we all…
I’ve written about feeling overwhelmed, and many of you shared your own experiences with the same types of emotions. But what about when the feelings go…
A few weeks ago, I helped my sister get her house ready for a remodel. She ordered a storage container and we packed every…single…cabinet, drawer,…
After the holidays have come and gone and the New Year’s resolve has worn thin, it’s easy to find yourself in a slump. You feel…
For the most part I’m a happy person, but there was a time in my life where I wondered if I’d ever be happy again….
There have been times when I entered an unknown space … hopeful, excited anticipation. Unaware of what exists there. I sit down in that space….
At each season of my life I’ve found myself falling into two traps–mental traps–which are not helpful. One is the “what if” syndrome and the…