5 Important Things to Plan NOW to be a Stay-at-home, Homeschooling Mom
A few weeks ago a reader sent me a note after reading my post “Homeschooling Fears.” She asked this question: We are due for our…
A few weeks ago a reader sent me a note after reading my post “Homeschooling Fears.” She asked this question: We are due for our…
I often ask moms what they dream about. “If you could do anything and know it would succeed, what would it be?” I often hear…
When I was a child, my favorite summer moments happened in the library. Yes, beach days are fun, but I’d rather spend time scanning shelves…
Christmas is my favorite time of year, but it hasn’t always been that way. For many years I looked at December as a list of…
Last night my two-year-old, Alyssa, drew a picture of a house, and it made me think about how different this house—our house—would be without this…
I’ve been a mom for 23 years, and for the first five of those years I had moments when I struggled to control my anger….
There are many important values that we need to teach our kids, but in my opinion one of the most challenging is teaching respect. Actually,…
I pictured myself as a mix of Mary Poppins and Carol Brady. We were welcoming in two new kids (ages five and two years old),…
On a recent business trip there are two families that stand out in my memory. One is a couple who sat down by me at…
I’m a project person. I like lists to check off and gold stars (even if they are imagined) placed on my jobs that are well…