What’s in a MOM: How do we do the mommy balancing act?
“The juggler in the circus,” “A stay-at-home mom in the business of raising successful children,” “COM (Chief Operations Manager),” and my favorite, “Your Majesty.” The…
“The juggler in the circus,” “A stay-at-home mom in the business of raising successful children,” “COM (Chief Operations Manager),” and my favorite, “Your Majesty.” The…
Dinner was late. In fact, dinner was still a mystery, even to me, and I was cooking. In the kitchen, I surveyed Mt. Dirty Dishes…
“What can I get for you this morning?” the young man asked. I walked up to the counter and ordered my usual Americano with cream…
Parachuting out of an airplane, rafting down class five rapids, taking four-year-old twins into Macy’s fine china department—scary stuff, huh? And yet many of us…
My inbox is constantly bombarded with invitations from my kids’ school. Do my children want to join swimming, tennis, robotics, karate, soccer, chess, basketball, or…
When we talk about peer pressure, we are often talking about teenagers. But the reality is that all of us face peer pressure no matter what…
As the new year hits full stride, many of us are considering our calendars. Some are blank slates. Others are already packed with to-dos. Sometimes…
I used to love to read, but once I became a mom I somehow felt that reading was a colossal waste of time. There is so much to do, how could I possibly just sit there and read?
Recently we moved from the house where we’d lived for nearly 35 years. You can imagine the stuff that five kids and two parents had collected…
I should have written it down: “Add Mark to carpool on Wednesday morning.” But I didn’t. Several of my neighbors’ kids go to the same…