
Last Updated on April 12, 2018

I waited as long as I could for Ray to come to bed but sleep overtook me. I knew it was like so many times before that one of our college sons was home on break so they were probably in another long conversation, so I slept.

Around 4 a.m., I shifted and noticed that Ray was still not in bed. So I got up, put on my housecoat and slippers, and quietly walked to the front of the house. All the lights were off except his study light, and this time I didn’t hear voices.

With only glass French doors on the front of his study, I could slip up and peer inside without disturbing him at all. Ray was the only one inside and he was wiping his nose and eyes. He immediately noticed me and turned around so I opened the door. “Just making sure you’re still alive,” I said. “Just spending some time praying and reading. I’m just finishing up and will be to bed shortly.”

I was so exhausted I knew I would fall back to sleep quickly, but as soon as I hit the bed, a surprising thing happened to me … I couldn’t get to sleep. I was so overwhelmed that God has blessed me with a man who would forego sleep to spend time with Him. So, I began to pray.

I prayed for all the women in my life who don’t have a husband who will take time out of his day (or night if the day doesn’t permit it) to spend time with the One who gives him strength for his life’s journey. I prayed for my sisters, friends, family who may have a husband who doesn’t encourage  her or who uses his words to put her down. I prayed for the men who are in the struggle and have given up the fight because it has been long and hard. Those who have walked away, leaving behind their wives and children without a leader or protector.

I know I could have walked up on Ray, like many women, and found him in the grips of pornography. I could have walked up on Ray, like many women, and found him watching more television that wouldn’t do one thing to change his life. I could have walked up on Ray, like many women, and found him talking on the phone with another woman in an inappropriately intimate conversation. But I didn’t. I walked in on his intimate time with God. Such a rare phenomenon. Yet, I still grieve. That there are so many other men who have been deceived. They are struggling to do life on their own, without the blessed hope that comes from Christ, and HIM, alone.

So, I pray.

Father, for the men of our lives, draw them close to You. Let all the busy things of this world that have become idols lose their pull on their hearts. Please keep us ever praying for them. For their passion for You. That their hope would be only in You and they would run hard after a closer, personal relationship with You. We need our men to be Godly men. Leaders that lead and we follow them as they follow You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

[verse reference=”1 Timothy 2:1-2″]First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.[/verse]


  • Robyn McKelvy

    Robyn McKelvy has devoted her life to the care and building up of others. In her home, through the church her husband pastors and through years of speaking at Weekend To Remember Get-Away’s around the country as well as countless women’s events. Robyn is the mom of seventeen children, seven in heaven and nine amazing souls here on earth who have received her full attention from the time they were born or grafted into her family. Robyn’s book SOS – Sick of Sex is in stores now as is her devotional book, Say IT Loud: Becoming your husband’s personal cheerleader. Robyn has been a mom for 24 years and married to Ray for over 25 years. Facebook

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  1. Robyn,
    Written so beautifully! I think we tend to forget what precious treasures God has given us in our Godly husbands. Thanks for the reminder.

    Love ya,

  2. Beautiful! Love this. What a wonderful reminder to us all that we need to be on our knees for our men every day. So close to my heart–thanks for sharing yours!

  3. Thank you Ray for being the Godly example for our husbands! And thank you Robyn for sharing! I’m so thankful!!