Read Good Book

Sometimes when you read a good book, you never want it to end. Some of you read the ending first because you have to know what will happen. And sometimes these actions parallel how we live our lives.

We serve a mighty God who is truly the only one who knows exactly how things turn out. There are times in our life when we fret about whether something is God’s will or not God’s will. “Am I following God’s will, or am I going astray and therefore going to screw up my whole life?” While theology and understanding of this concept cannot be covered here, I thought I’d touch on the surface of such guidance.

Today it dawned on me that God has always guided me — when I’ve listened — and is always trying to guide me, even when I’m not listening!!! There a few things in my life that I had a certainty about; the first was to marry Tim, the second was that he would one day do comedy full time, the third was that his brother would be his manager, and the fourth was that one day we will move to Ireland.

Our lives, if we’d “let go and let God” do His thing, could be the kind of story we love to read.

So far, three of the four have happened.

You may say, “Well, that’s easy to figure out now.” But I felt God told me I would marry my then-best friend, Tim Hawkins, at a time when I did not want to. I always, deep down, sensed that Tim would do comedy full time, but we had no idea what that would look like or how to get there.

We struggled on a salary of no more than $27,000 plus whatever shows we could book for almost 10 years of our marriage. Tim’s brother, Todd, was a brilliant salesman for companies placing doctors and later placing computer techs. He had a title and a six-figure income to boot. So to consider that he would give up all that, on purpose, to go without a paycheck for a full year and jump into the world of the entertainment business seemed inconceivable, and yet he did just that.

I would joke (with a hint of belief) that God wanted him to know how to place people in jobs so he could do that for Tim when he became his manager.

Now, about moving to Ireland. I have joked about this for over five years. When the slightest thing Irish crosses our paths, I say, “See? That’s a sign we’ll live in Ireland.”

The kids never know when to take me seriously, and frankly, I don’t either.

The thing is we never really know the outcome, but we do know we are called to obey. It’s an exciting journey of unpredictable blessings and hardships.

Our lives, if we’d “let go and let God” do His thing, could be the kind of story we love to read. And while you can’t skip to the end to see what happens, you can enjoy it so much you hope it never ends.

[verse reference=”Jeremiah 29:11″]For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.[/verse]

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts…when our marriage was going through a major upset I used the analogy of my life being a movie to make wiser decisions and I knew that by the end of the movie I didn't want to see that my acting had turned out for the worst. God revealed to me that I didn't have to respond like the "world" encourages and that my children would one day understand what mommy and daddy chose to do to keep our family together and not be selfish….on another note WE LOVE TO LISTEN TO TIM! We discovered his comedy talent a couple of years ago and enjoy his humor so very much! And I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were his wife! It's nice to get a glimpse of the other half : ) Now we have a little more complete knowing of the Hawkins family! And Praise the Lord for your TWO YEARS CLEAR!! WOO HOO! THAT IS WONDERFUL! And we are also thankful we can view Tim's acts online, my husband is military and we currently live in England so for a few years we are not able to view all of the usual American media avenues! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas Season with your family! stephanie

  2. Thank you, Stephanie for your kind words. I will pass that on to Tim. Also thank your husband for serving our country.

    Where are you located in England? I went to college in England and go back to see dear friends whenever time will allow me.

    Holiday blessing to ya'll as well….Heather<

  3. Tim says something profound in his act – it was about faith and said quickly. He said the past is forgiven and the future is ? That’s what I need to know. He said what the future was but I don’t remember. Can you help me. Thanks, Kate

  4. Tim says something in his routine about faith I found profound. The past is forgiven and the future is ? That’s what I need to know. I forgot what he said about the future. Do you know. Thanks, Kate