
Last Updated on April 12, 2018

The other day while waging war against the weeds in my yard, I noticed the dirt was pretty low next to the driveway. In fact, there seemed to be a gap under the driveway, right up against the house. I stuck my hand in there … and felt only air. My house weighing, oh, perhaps 600,000+ pounds was floating on air.


As I shoved top soil into the crack and prayed it wouldn’t cave, I thought about the foundation of my heart. As a mom, life often hits at warp speed. Finding time for spiritual growth is as easy as prying a cookie from a toddler’s tight fist–goo and all.

But neglecting time with God (prayer, Bible study/reading, church) is the equivalent of my house floating on air. Eventually, my ability to stand up under life’s pressures will cave, just like the driveways up and down the street have in the past two summers of drought.

To keep my own foundation solid, my best defense is making routines. During the school year, I read my Bible and spend some time in prayer after I drop the kids off at school. On non-school days, I try to get it read before getting out of bed. However, sometimes, especially on the days when our daughter with autism decides sleeping is what other people do,  I read it as the bathtub fills, as I blow dry my hair–if I get a chance to do that. Sometimes it’s as I’m falling asleep, but that doesn’t work as well for me because my brain is often full of dust and tumbleweeds by that point.

I also talk to Jesus throughout the day while I work, thinking of him sitting in the room/car with me at all times. In the background, I listen to stations like Air1 that play music by Christian musicians and have DJ’s who speak God’s truth. I occasionally catch a podcast as I go about my routines or head to appointments. It keeps my heart focused and energizes both my body and soul. Plus, I get the added benefit of hearing my daughter repeat truths she’s picked up from the latest Toby Mac (or other bands) release.

I don’t have it to a perfect science because perfect is unattainable. But I have to stay in the fight, so to speak. If I have no foundation, how can I demonstrate God’s love to my children?

In case you are interested, here are some other Christian radio stations you might find in your area or that you can access online:

  • The Message on Sirius (A mix of contemporary Christian music.)
  • KLOVE (A variety of contemporary Christian music, but not too edgy.)
  • KCBI (Teaching from various ministries and pastors, including FamilyLife Today. Some conservative Christian music.)
  • Air1: (KLOVE’s edgier sister, called “The Positive Alternative.”)

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  1. What a great illustration coupled with an important truth – thank you for posting this encouragement and helpful ideas to keep our focus where it should be!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca, for your kind words and for the reminder to keep our focus on the Lord. 🙂 Amen to that, sister!

  2. Ariadna Rodriguez says:

    Very helpful especially for our young mothers who see struggle so much with their routine and their spiritual life is in risk affecting no only their spiritual life but their entire relationship. And also a waked call for us the others mom who because of the demanding of routine and constantly run back and forth our foundation as Christian life is in risks as well. Thank you for shared this is very good.

    1. Ariadna,
      Thanks for your insightful comment. I agree, young mothers barely have time to take care of their hair, much less think of deeper spiritual needs. But it is so important to keep spiritual closeness with Jesus on a daily basis. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  3. Very timely post for me to read! Thank You! I’ll be getting off the computer and into the Word right now. 🙂

    1. Yay, Jane! Glad you are feeling encouraged to spend time with the Father. 🙂 Thanks for your sweet comment!