
Last Updated on August 15, 2024

As believers we are called to love God and love others. We accomplish this by seeking after God with all our hearts and leaning not on our own understanding. One way God chooses to reveal Himself to us is through older, wiser believers. We have an amazing opportunity to listen, consider and evaluate our paths based on what those older and wiser than us have experienced and pass down to us.

Through the years I have been blessed to be mentored and have my life spoken into by some amazing people. Soaking up wisdom from those older than me has been a lifelong pursuit.  And it all started with my amazing grandmother.

Wisdom gained by life experience is a commodity that is readily available.  Is it something that you seek out?

As my husband and I have raised our children, we have consistently worked to be in community with, and seek wisdom and advice from, those who are ahead of us in raising children.

Even at times if something they say seems counter to what we think, if they are godly, wise, older and share it with us, we figure God is trying to teach us something through them.

More and more it seems wisdom from those ahead of us is not sought after with a heart of humility. On the Internet, just like in real life, we are to seek out and learn from the Titus 2 models God graciously puts in our path and give them the deference God calls us to.

Or as my Grandmama would say, “Respect your elders young lady!”

What do you think?  Do you seek out and defer to the wisdom of the older godly men and women God puts in your path?

If you are an “older woman,” are you intentional about reaching out to younger women to speak into their lives as God calls you to?

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One Comment

  1. Thanks, Tracey. Yes, wisdom and understanding from the Lord are so important! I remember as a younger woman, watching those around me to learn from them. Recently, I heard a woman say we should be “sandwich living.:” Learning wisdom from those further along in life while passing on what we have learned to those younger.