Confessions of an Angry Mom
Do you have an anger management problem? Don’t be too quick to answer … read on! A few weeks ago, fellow blogger Janel laid it…
Do you have an anger management problem? Don’t be too quick to answer … read on! A few weeks ago, fellow blogger Janel laid it…
My beautiful daughter is suspended between childhood and womanhood. She still enjoys playing with her Littlest Pet Shop toys and climbing trees but yearns to…
I am Car Pool Queen … but it’s a disputable title! As school is well underway, I have plopped on my crown as the personal…
A glossy new “Vogue” magazine, the August fall fashion issue, was in my purse. We were about to get on a plane, and I needed some…
Your Back-to-School Relief List So … how many plates do you have spinning in the air right now? Back-to-school supplies, back-to-school paperwork, carpool, after school…
Firstborns often know how to please adults. They can be used to being the center of attention. And for second-born children, it can feel like being in a race they can never win.
Do you have one of those children who continually seems to be active? Talks constantly? Always has questions? Wants to know, “What are we going…
The best way to find out how a particular phenomenon is affecting people … is to ask! Over the last couple of months, I have…
They say if we want to know what America will be like in five years concerning electronics, we can look to Korea. Korea currently has an Adolescent…
While trading emails this week with a friend who has two teenage boys, she commented out of sheer frustration, “Would you take my 16-year-old and…