Last Updated on March 20, 2018

I believe every mom has a day or a moment that she wishes she could “do over.”

I laugh when I watch my kids play games and the little ones scream, “Do over,” because they are not pleased with what just happened or their score. Most often the older kids allow the younger ones to have the do over, and the game continues.

This past Thursday, I needed a “do over.” Exhausted from much activity around our home, I was winding down for the evening. One of my kids then reminded me I was scheduled to go out. I had been talking about the evening’s events all day but just forgot as exhaustion set in. Rushing to get ready, I left in a hurry, leaving sanity and wisdom at home.

The evening turned out to be fun, but during the fun, I made a huge mistake — a big lapse in judgment. Can I have a “do over,” please? How I wish I could take it back or, better yet, not have gone in the first place. This appointment wasn’t a have-to. It was just supposed to be a get together with some girlfriends.

I am thankful to God for the Holy Spirit who awakened me that night with the awareness that I had made a mistake. I needed to seek forgiveness.

Whether forgiveness is granted or not, I love the blessed assurance in knowing I am forgiven. I am so grateful to have a Father in heaven who cares about me.  He loves me in spite of my mistakes. Thank you, Lord, for Your loving mercy.

As moms, there may and probably will be times when we disappoint, neglect, or sin against those we love the most. When we are aware of those times, we have to be willing to seek forgiveness.

Even though my mistakes have caused me great pain, I am so grateful for the times I need a “do over.” These are the times when I am so humbled that I run hard after God. He is the one that has taken care of all my “do overs” on the cross. I am forgiven, and nothing I do or say — out of stupidity or exhaustion — will ever change my “forgiven” status with Him.

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  1. Lately I feel as though I need a "do over" numerous times throughout the day! So blessed to have a forgiving God and that young children are very forgiving! (what it does to a mom's heart when she apologizes to her 3 year old and the little one hugs her and says 'it's okay mommy.')

    1. One time I apologized to one of my kids and told them I hadn't told the truth. His response was "i forgive you for being a liar,Mommy.". They are so very forgiving.

  2. Thank the Lord that He does not expect perfection! He is so merciful and gracious to us…. There is no God like our God. Love you oodles Robee!