Last Updated on March 20, 2018

Have a fever for some Bieber in your house? Or are you wondering what I am talking about? Justin Bieber — hailed as “Super Boy” in a recent Rolling Stone magazine spread. While I am no expert on the teen singer, I have a tween daughter and spend time with teen girls, who make up his fan base. What is the appeal?

In some ways, Justin Bieber’s fame is driven by good marketing, a clean image, and his message to tell his young fans that they can achieve anything they set their hearts to: Never Say Never, which is the name of his 3-D film release (Plugged In Movie Review). Bieber claims Christianity, even spells out the gospel message in interviews,  and he seems more like a neighborhood kid than a spoiled star.

His romance-driven lyrics, soft voice, and the sincere way he stares at a camera only add to his appeal. I imagine many young females feel as though he sings directly to them. And his encouragement to pursue dreams probably inspires many a young girl’s dreams … about Bieber himself. My daughter came home from a book fair at school with a Bieber poster and a book about the teen star instead of the reading-list books I had told her she could buy. She and a few friends even compared facts and argued over which source correctly reported Justin’s favorite color.

Sigh. What to do? …

First, hubby and I listened to some of his music and looked up the lyrics online. After that, we decided that some of Bieber’s lyrics were not appropriate for our house. We explained that to our daughter and did not download the song she had requested. Since we usually watch baking shows on TV, listen to Air1 Radio (an alternative Christian rock station), and don’t read or buy media-gossip magazines, we have avoided much of the Bieber hype here at home. I talk to my daughter about Justin Bieber when she brings him up or hears a song on the radio, but I gently downplay any major discussion.

Several other moms and I have banded together to downplay Bieber fever in our homes, which has worked well. Generally, I do not put Bieber down, but Hubby and I have told our daughter that while we can enjoy songs, we shouldn’t spend time obsessing over people. Hubby told Eldest that at this point in her life, he should be number one, and he wasn’t going to share the spot with a teen singer. She rolled her eyes, but it was obvious she was pleased. We haven’t seen the fever come back since then.

So, Bieber seems like a nice kid, but take the time to read a few of the lyrics before you decide for your home.

Cheers, sisters and friends! Take two and call in the morning …

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  1. This was wonderful! Fortunately, we don't have any Bieber son is too young (plus..I don't think boys like him) and my daughter thinks he's ridiculous. But, there have been and will be other stars vying for my kids' attention. I like how you and your husband handled the situation. We've had to ban some things in our homes, too. It might be unpopular with our kids at first, but it's not our job to be their friends.

    Awesome post..thank you!

  2. Unfortunately, I am dealing with the same Bieber fever, and my kids are 4 and 6. Neither of them have hear or seen JB in our home, but their friend at preschool and kindergarten are obsessed with him. They sing his songs at recess time. I hear about him every day, and I'd be hearing his songs every single day if I hadn't banned them. I'm not sure how to handle it or how to explain to my children that to be obsessed with a teenage boy isn't appropriate.