Last Updated on March 23, 2018

I have been hearing about many celebratory days recently. In the last couple of weeks, I have heard about National Pancake Day, National Doughnut Day, Cow Appreciation Day, and the list goes on. There is a day in October that I am finding is very controversial. After researching and choosing to go ahead with this blog post, I found that many do not want to recognize or celebrate this event. It is Pastor Appreciation Day (the second Sunday of October) or Pastor Appreciation Month.

The difficulty in writing this post is that I am married to a pastor. So it is beneficial to me if this is well received, but I believe this is an absolute necessary post to write because I am also the daughter of a pastor.

When I was growing up, we were in a church where people attended. Yes, human people. Some had the best of hearts and were very encouraging to my daddy. But there were always those few—the ones that seemed to feel the need to make life miserable for him and it was a duty they passionately embraced.

The enemy of God is real and is always prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. So whether your church celebrates pastor appreciation or not, as a pastor’s kid and wife, would you do me a favor? Take the time and write your pastor’s name on your calendar on random days throughout the year. On those days, spend time in prayer for your pastor. Maybe just jot your pastor a note of thanks or encouragement.

For a pastor to know that there are those in his congregation that are praying for him will put wind beneath his wings.

(Also, please put the names of missionaries and other lay persons in ministry. Your prayers are wanted and needed.)

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”
Hebrews 13:17


You just finished reading the blog post Appreciate Your Pastor? Yes or No? by Robyn McKelvy. What’s next?

What can you do to honor your pastor? Hear some practical tips from noted pastor H.B. London, author Crawford Loritts, and the Reverend Dennis Finnan.

Talk to your family tonight and make plans to do something to show your appreciation for your pastor.

Spread the word about Pastor Appreciation month and s
hare this post with your friends! Share this link with your pastor where they can find articles from other pastors, audio from FamilyLife Today radio broadcasts that speak to some of your needs, articles about personal challenges, and resources that can serve them and their families.

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  1. Well said Robyn! Well said!! I so appreciate my Daddy, my Pastors (Frank and Robin King) and Brother-in-love Ray Anthony McKelvy, for all their dedication to the Lord and His people. It’s NOT an easy Job, but they continue loving on (even the most un-lovable) all for the glory of God! Thank you so much for your service! We appreciate you more than you’ll ever know! God Bless

    1. Thanks, Stephanie.
      The way each pastor can continue on in ministry is to know that God has called him to the task. That is where he will get his strength when the going gets tough!
      So thankful for all of the response of YES to this question. May we continue to appreciate our pastors!!

  2. sandra seratt says:

    I love my Pastor! For several years my son-in-law has been my Pastor & over a several year span I’ve seen him up & I’ve seen him down…I know the struggles that a Pastor deals with…times he stays on his knees & searches for God’s will! From messages, to praying for every individual for healing, family situations, financial situations, needs of others, your own family, church family…cares & concerns & most of all salvation for every lost soul you come in cot act with! I love my Pastor…I’m going to make a vow today to pray for him continually throughout this coming year! I’m thankful he has a heart after God…God go with him daily, please meet his & his family’s needs . Help him to be obedient to you to Love you more every day & search for your will Oh God for our church & everyone that enters through the doors of Grandview AOG. We are thankful for our Pastors…out senior Pastos, our youth Pastors & our Childress Pastors. Please Bless them Lord God as we learn more about you & your word. Thank you for them…Amen.

    1. Sandra,
      Encourage others in your small group, family, those who you hang around to pray for your pastor/son-in-love, also. The enemy is constantly attacking Pastors. (if you google ‘news about pastors’, the first thing that comes up is ‘pastor burnout!)
      So, please continually remember your pastor throughout this and every year.
      Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Thank you so much for this article! On a side note, the link for ways you can honor your pastor wouldn’t work for me & I’d love to view it!