Celebrating Thanksgiving
It’s my favorite time of year again. The leaves have changed and are at their peak. There is a sugar maple tree on the south side of…
It’s my favorite time of year again. The leaves have changed and are at their peak. There is a sugar maple tree on the south side of…
Five boys. Five loud, active boys with their own unique personalities and preferences. Personal tastes, too. So at dinner a week or two ago, several…
Last night my two-year-old, Alyssa, drew a picture of a house, and it made me think about how different this house—our house—would be without this…
“Mommy! Today was funny hat day! We didn’t wear hats! You forgot the hats!” That’s how my kindergartner and first grader greeted me after school…
“Debbie, be sure you write down the cute things Taylor and Lauren say and do.” I remember my mother’s advice like it was yesterday although…
This evening my little girl was trying to complete an online activity for school. One of many homework assignments. This year has been particularly difficult…
Does all the commercialism surrounding Christmas bother you? Do you want to keep your heart and your children’s hearts focused on the true meaning of…
Do you ever wake up and dread your day? A mom who’s a cook may not know how many more potatoes she can peel at…
I have two fine sons, amazing men. But when I think about it, one of best things they have ever done is to marry the…
As the school year comes to a close, I wonder if my children have learned anything of lasting value in the last nine months. Sometimes…