Last Updated on March 21, 2018

I believe in marriage.

Between one man and one woman for life. God designed marriage, and that was His intention.

My parents have been married for 53 years. My sister has been married for 29 years. My brothers for 22 years and 15 years. Me, for 24 years.

Have those combined 143 years of marriage been easy? No. Have there been troubles? Yes. But you see a covenant before God was made and words were spoken.

Remember I do?

For better, for worse.                    I do.

In sickness and in health.              I do.

For richer or for poorer.               I do.

Till death do us part.                       I do.

For those who were unable to keep the covenant, I do not condemn you or begin to understand the trials in your life and marriage. And I am sorry for your pain. But for those who are still married and are contemplating or heading toward divorce, I ask you to consider the possibility that you, too, can provide a piece of a legacy that could stand for 143 (and counting) years.

I contend that whatever issues you have with your current spouse may dissolve with the marriage. However, new issues with a new person in your life will develop; it is human nature to have issues. If you have some issues you need help with, maybe you would like to talk to an anonymous on-line mentor who will provide practical advice and prayer support.

The question to consider … is God allowing those issues to surface to draw you closer to Him and to cause you to change and be molded into someone more like Him in order to bring glory to Him?

Before you walk away from the “worse,” would you prayerfully consider attending a Weekend To Remember Marriage Getaway®? Maybe the only reason your marriage is suffering is simply because no one ever taught you how to do marriage. You learned how to drive a car, right? You learned how to perform your job at work, right? If someone could actually teach you how to do marriage — which they can — wouldn’t you want to try one last ditch effort before you walked away?

Think about it. I have seen the letters from couples who were headed to divorce and agreed to attend the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember Getaway as a last resort — on the way to the courthouse. I’ve seen the ripped divorce papers and read the “thank-you letters” from grateful children.

Do you want to go to a Weekend to Remember … just in case your marriage can be saved?

Here’s a new opportunity to say, “I do.”


  • Tracey Eyster

    Tracey Eyster is the Founder of MomLife Today and the annual Mom Camp event. Her book Be The Mom, LifeWay Bible Study Beautiful Mess and speaking engagements have allowed her the privilege of speaking into the lives of women sharing what God is teaching her. "Be intentional. Be relational. Be selfless." In a nutshell, that's her life and message. Tracey has been a mom since 1993 and she and Bill have been married for over 30 years. @MomBlog

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