Relationships That Tell the Truth

Last Updated on May 2, 2024

“How are you?” I tilted my head and looked in her eyes.

“Fine,” she nodded. But then the up-and-down of her head shifted to side-to-side.

“Actually, I’m not.”

My friend had just arrived in my driveway to pick up her kids, but only after her errand had taken a detour. Turns out she’d gone to visit a little boy in the hospital after a concerned phone call. The boy had been tube-fed for a month—but his physical debilitation is small compared to his past at seven years old.

No one knew where his father was. His mom had abandoned him when she remarried, which is unfortunately common in the country where I live. He fought nightmares that he would be sacrificed via witchcraft, like his brother and sister have been. He was cared for by a Ugandan woman who took in abandoned children and loved them like her own.

I could see my friend’s face straining visibly beneath the weight of this boy’s story, tearing her heart open yet again for the brokenness that ravages so many lives here. We took time to chat, then prayed together. As she turned to leave, I thanked her for answering my question truthfully and openly.

“There’s no other way,” she chuckled. “I used to live like that. But you can’t do that here, or you’ll die.”

She’s right. I know this now. Somehow, I am feeling my need for vital relationships with other women now. It has heightened to the point that if I don’t fulfill those needs, I could easily start a downward slide into deep emotional chasms.

If I don’t listen to that nagging voice telling me to accept help, I’ll tank.

If I don’t surround myself with a true community, giving and taking, I will isolate and drift away into dark waters; I’ll be attempting on my own what God designed a whole body to do.

If I don’t tell the truth, I’m abbreviating the length and efficacy of the work God has for me here. If we don’t pray for each other, I may be leaving them in a battle alone, or simply doing without because I don’t ask (James 4).

I felt these when I was living in the United States, I see now. But I confess—I didn’t listen to it as well. The effects were slower and more subtle. Admittedly, I had some other comforts. Here, if I don’t listen, I have found the consequences to be swift. Just as I’ve heard of on the savanna here in Africa, the loners can be easily picked off by the enemy, or simply by fatigue.

So I have been very challenged recently by the simple words of Ephesians 4:25.

“Let each of you put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are members of one another.”Ephesians 4:25

The reality is, I have not always treated my girlfriends as if they are members of my own body, communicating like my own body does with itself. I am not always as open with them as I would like them to be with me. I am not false—not in the intentionally lying sense—but for the sake of “kindness,” I am not always intentionally truthful. Sometimes, I am not gentle in a spiritual way: that is to say, I am gentle, but not faithful; not courageous.

Thankfully, as God has worked and worked on me in this, He’s also brought me friends who are committed to being truthful with me. They’re gentle but straightforward enough to ask me about something in myself they’re concerned about. They tell me what my kids are doing when I’m not there.

Like last week—when the same friend above had enough love for me to let me know that my son was really distancing some of his friends with the ways he was treating them when I was out of earshot. As we got our kids together to talk about the problem, I was grateful that my friend knows how to handle conflict in ways that actually strengthen relationships: with loving honesty, repentance, forgiveness, and restoration.

Hopefully, my kids are getting the whole “speak truthfully with one another” thing, too.

There are irreplaceable assets to a tight-knit community of other moms–not exclusive, but indeed sharing deep, genuine relationships that “do life” together, day in, and day out. I need women who can function together as a body, truly shouldering each other’s burdens and offering strengths in areas where I lack. It is a rich privilege to share whatever I have with other moms, and it meets a critical need for me where I am.

God knew when He made me that friendships which love intrusively weren’t optional. They were—are— vital.

Wherever you are.

Do you have friendships where you can be real and honest with each other? If you don’t, do some thinking today about what it is that is stopping you.


  • Janel Breitenstein

    Janel Breitenstein graduated summa cum laude from John Brown University and began her career with NavPress, where she worked on The Message Bible. After having four children she resumed her professional career (around her momlife) by serving as a writer for FamilyLife. Personal loans. In January of 2012 Janel and her husband, John, packed up their family of six and moved to Uganda to serve with Engineering Ministries International (eMi), an organization that focuses on poverty relief and development, providing structural design and construction management for Christian organizations in the third world. Join us as we all learn first hand, through Janel’s posts, what it’s like to go from suburban America, to answer God’s call in Africa! | @JanelBreit

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  1. This is so true, no matter where we are. Thanks for sharing, Janel. May we all have the courage to be real and open.

  2. I needed this reminder this morning. It comes on the heels of talking to my husband yesterday about feeling isolated again. Thank you for sharing this timely post.

  3. This touched me right where I’ve come to this week, wondering what God wanted me to do with the disconnect I feel, and like you said, can send us downward. I hope to connect today with a couple women I’d love to get to know better, and pray that God lifts me above this to serve Him in the way he intended here, in spite of some concerns and what I dearly miss back “home”. Thank you, Janel. Love & Prayers.

    1. Praying for you, too, Charlotte. May God give you great strength and courage as you reach out!

  4. The question you asked really had me thinking. I don’t ask or share the things that I am dealing with because I don’t want to be judged. I have been struggling with should I share, am I alone , does anyone else share in the same struggle? Your post is confirmation that I need to talk to someone!!!!!

    1. I resonate with this struggle so much, and understand the fear that can accompany that kind of openness. Praying for courage for you–and that you’ll be warmly received, encouraged, and relieved as someone shares what you’ve been carrying.

  5. Wow, I wish I had such relationships with other women. I didn’t form strong relationships as a young girl and have had problems as an adult. The mothers of my older daughter’s friends were older than me and those of my younger daughter are younger than me. I have become eager when I have moved to a new neighborhood that I could become close to someone, but it hasnt happened. People keep to themselves so much. My husband says that I should be the one to step out and take the lead. I guess it’s true, “If you want a friend, you need to be a friend”.
    …with the help of The Lord 🙂

    1. Nancy–I’m not sure how long ago you left this comment (I was just looking back at this post for another project)–but I wanted to let you know I’m praying for you today, that you’ll experience these kinds of relentless friendships that are willing to “get dirty” as you do life together. God bless as you take courageous steps to find them!