Last Updated on December 3, 2024

Tracey Eyster, founder and executive director of MomLife Today, shares the story of  MomLife Today.

We know that your days are very full and our hearts’ desire is for you to fill yourself up with God’s grace so you can spill that grace out all over your family! We hope what you read on MomLife Today encourages and equips you.

Our desire with the new MomLife Today is to tell more of YOUR stories, learn more about YOUR momlife and find ways YOU can help us help each other!

Share your story with us!


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  1. I have a question. I was a stay home mom for years homeschool my children . Two have finished school still have one more to go. I went back to work for 8 years and it was so hard on me. Because I’m still homeschooling my child and my husband works out of town. So it has been very hard. I want to come back home because I feel that is where I need to be. But I’m so scare because of the bills. I quess what I’m asking is should I just do it and give it to the Lord. I do feel that I need to be at home for my family. Just going back to one’s pay again is very hard. But I know I have to have faith that God will take care of this.

  2. My question is How do I raise my child in the christian faith other than taking my 2 year old to church? I didn’t grow up in the christian faith so Im having a hard time. I pray with my son before my son goes to bed for naps and bed time. Also, I read godly books. I heard to also read scriptures helps to him.. But where do I start?? Do I just read it out loud or do I break the verses up? I want to lead a christian life for him.. I feel like I stress more about it then I actually do it.. Thanks in advance!

    1. Tabytha, you are doing exactly what you need to do! Keep telling him the stories of Jesus and talk with him about who Jesus is to you. How has Jesus changed you, how he helps you, and how much Jesus loves you both! An adult Bible is great but you could pick up a children’s bible if you wanted to. Just pick out a book and begin reading, telling a story at a time and talking about it asking him what he learned or retelling you the story with you helping to remind him of important parts. Trust Jesus to teach you as you read your Bible and teach your son.