Last Updated on March 20, 2018

Yesterday, I sent my son to school in tears. So much for “Mother of the Year” award. At 7:30, he realized that he did not have his school book. He had not returned it to his backpack after reading it and now it is missing. While helping him search for the book, I found a pair of his dirty socks under the chair cushion, another pair beside the recliner, his cup by the couch and tripped on his pair of shoes by the door. His bedroom floor is littered with his belongings.

Clearly, he has difficulty picking up after his 10-year-old self. It is one of the ugly traits he picked up from his mother.

Yes, me. And instead of addressing the heart of the matter, I blew my self-righteous temper.

Driving to school, we prayed that his day would go better but I had to include a nice preachy bit about responsibility. After kissing his tear-streaked face goodbye, I drove home and fell back into bed. “Ok, Jesus, I blew it. Yes, there need to be consequences for his irresponsibility but you did not give me this beautiful boy to ridicule or degrade. I am supposed to b a steward not a scoffer. And I am sooooo guilty of the very issue that frustrates me. Forgive me and give me wisdom in helping him learn responsibility and repair the damage I have done.” Nice prayer, but it did not erase the irresponsible words that had flown from my mouth. Those I can never take back. So I walked out of my room and finding my toddler into mischief, I blew it again.

How do I rescue a day that seems headed for destruction before 9 am? First by admitting, again, that I cannot mother on my own. I need Supernatural Help. I need to continually pray for God’s guidance in teaching and loving my children. And praying out loud in front of my children for patience and wisdom models dependence on His help. I need to admit I’m wrong and ask for forgiveness, even from a 2-year-old. I need to invest extra time in restoring my relationship with my children. Finally, I need to show myself grace. I’m going to make poor decisions. But I can choose to learn from my mistakes and grow or continue to berate myself.

After apologizing to my toddler, I called my girlfriend for back-up. Laura cared for my little ones while I took my ten-year-old son on a lunch date. “Mom, why are you checking me out of school early?” “To remind you how much I love you, Son. I am so sorry for losing my temper with you this morning. Can you forgive me?” I saved the discussion on responsibility for another day and focused on the smart funny young man God blessed me with.


  • Julia DesCarpentrie

    Julia DesCarpentrie is passionate about orphan care, adoption and fostering. Payday loans online. She has been blessed to live out God’s call on her life in those areas through her work with The CALL (Children of Arkansas Loved for a Lifetime), a foster care church initiative encouraging more Christian families to foster children in need. Julia has been an advocate for the fatherless for 10 years, as both a volunteer and also serving with Hope for Orphans before her work with The CALL. She is also an active volunteer in the community and has served on several community boards. She continues to minister to other mothers and foster/adoptive families through writing and speaking with MomLife Today. Julia is the mom of five children entrusted to her care through birth, adoption and fostering. She and Branden have been married for 16 years.

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  1. Thanks so much for your transparency! Having one of those days myself. Thanks for the reminder of grace and humility!

  2. Well you just made me realize that I too am flawed, ha! Never knew that, lol. Thank you great lesson!

  3. Thanks, Julia. I’m the mom of a 20-year-old son who still hides his dirty socks in the strangest places! What you’ve written is a great reminder and encouragement to moms of any-aged children. Even when they’re adults, we need to stay before the Throne and ‘bulk up” on grace and mercy from the Father’s hand.

  4. I thought I was the only one! 🙂 Thank you so much for this post. I get so frustrated with myself for not remembering to ask for and abide in, God’s help and His will. Grace, forgiveness and prayer.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this Julia! You are an inspiration. I fail nearly daily as a mother before 9am, so this really resonated with me! 🙂