Last Updated on March 20, 2018

Summer time and the livin’ is easy. Until, of course, your children get bored and then the livin’ gets a bit more challenging. When it does get more challenging for you this summer I would like to encourage you not to take the easy way out and carelessly park your children in front of the computer.

Though it may seem like the perfect solution for wiling away the hours, there are responsible steps we all should take to ensure our children use the family computer safely.

Our friends over at Enough Is Enough have laid out some easy to follow guidelines for the summer that we would all be wise to read over and practice in our homes.

S – Set clear expectations.

U – Understand the need for cyber safety.

M – Make sure you’re friends with your child on social networking sites.

M – Match computer time with quality time.

E – Evolve with the Internet.

R – Review, research and monitor the web sites your children view.

For a full explanation of each of these guidelines we invite you to visit Enough is Enough and learn more from Donna Rice Hughes who is passionate about internet safety!

And hey moms, I am thinking we could use most of these guidelines for ourselves too!  Especially that second “m” – match computer time with quality time, as we all agree around here that… every MOMent counts!



  • Tracey Eyster

    Tracey Eyster is the Founder of MomLife Today and the annual Mom Camp event. Her book Be The Mom, LifeWay Bible Study Beautiful Mess and speaking engagements have allowed her the privilege of speaking into the lives of women sharing what God is teaching her. "Be intentional. Be relational. Be selfless." In a nutshell, that's her life and message. Tracey has been a mom since 1993 and she and Bill have been married for over 30 years. @MomBlog

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