Last Updated on April 14, 2018

My daughter’s hand-me-down clothes are like gold to my friends with younger daughters. Not so much because of the money it saves them, but for the painstaking hours saved finding clothing that is not immodest or inappropriate!

Seriously! The ability to buy attractive and cute clothes for a pre-teen or teenager has been impeded greatly by the choices offered in today’s typical clothing stores. And if you have girls I know you understand what I am talking about.

It is possible to be beautiful and modest in a God-honoring way and my daughter has learned a few tricks that she enjoys passing on to other girls. At the top of her fashion advice list are higher necked tank tops in every color that can be worn under anything with an inappropriate neckline.

I recently met someone who has an up close and personal knowledge of fashion and immodesty challenges – international model Rachel Lee Carter. Even in the world of high fashion modeling she stood her ground and refused to model anything immodest – she was told it would cost her jobs, but just the opposite happened, her career thrived. Rachel is absolutely beautiful…because her beauty radiates from within!

Rachel “gets” that modesty in today’s appearance saturated world is a challenge, but through her book and ministry she assures us that it can be done. In her book, Fashioned by Faith, Rachel shares tips on how to be beautiful and modest at the same time and discusses what it is teen boys “really” think about girls who dress immodestly!

I invite you to meet Rachel through my video interview with her and then listen to more about her career and ministry at FamilyLife Today!

This is one “top model” you will want to introduce to your teens.

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  1. Where do you find "higher necked tank tops"? Most of the ones we find are not much help in the modesty dept.


    1. Hey Heather…I applaud you for wanting to know where you can find the right tank tops! This is not an endorsement for this retailer in any way, but I am going to answer your question because we love their tank tops. Gordman's sells awesome tank tops, the kind with the small spaghetti type straps. The neckline goes up very high and the bottom of the garment comes down very low, so it's easily tucked in or can be worn outside of jeans and keep your belt line area well covered. They have them in lots of colors and they are right at $7.00. My daughter and I both own several and wear them under almost everything! Also, for our other tank tops that are too low in the front Dannah Gresh taught me to simply turn them around, wear the back in the front – we do that too!

    1. Hey Shari – see my answer to Heather above and I applaud you for helping your daughter know the importance of dressing modestly! Blessings to you!

  2. Go to thrift stores…. I love them!!! If something is out of date in a sense, then it can be a project to revamp, sew and be creative 🙂

  3. Over and over during the last week God has been sending messages to me about dressing modestly. It is as if everywhere I turn there is a message about modesty. I heard Rachel last night on the Christian radio station while working out. There have been a few bloggers blogging about modesty. So I decided to dress more modestly. I even went to Goodwill and bought some longer skirts, that hit below my knees, and they were on sale that day.

  4. I take a tuck in the straps of my daughter's camisoles or tank tops to raise the neckline a bit. Some catalogs like LLBean and LandsEnd also carry better options, and you can order online.

  5. great post Tracey! I just heard Rachel on Family Life yesterday and her story knocked my socks off!! Hugs