Last Updated on December 7, 2016

We want them to learn how: to obey,  to share,  to be kind,  to love others, to be humble,  to be pure,  to be grateful, to build up, and encourage others!

We want them to learn how:  to serve, to show grace,  to work hard,  to be responsible,  and to not be lazy!

We want them to:  follow God,  depend on God,  trust in God,  have faith in God,  and love God!

We want them to:  be content with what they are given,  learn to love God’s word,  grow in their walk with God,  be careful with what they watch,  be careful where they go,  be careful with what they read.

We want them to learn the “dance of life“….a life lived for God.

We can TELL them about the dance…

We can TELL them they need to obey, share, be kind, love others, be humble, be pure, and to be grateful. We can TELL them to build up and encourage others, to serve, to show grace, to work hard, be responsible, and to not be lazy. We can TELL them to follow, depend on, trust in, have faith in and love God. We can TELL them to be content with what they are given. We can TELL them they need to learn to love God’s word and grow in their walk with Him. We can TELL them to be careful what they watch, where they go, and what they read.

But are WE dancing the “dance of life“? … a life lived for God?

Will they learn the dance by watching us? By following in our steps?

Are WE living lives that are characterized by obedience? Do WE reach out to others, not showing favoritism, and serve them by sharing the gifts God has loaned us? Do WE love others with a humble heart, seeing them as more important than ourselves? Do WE seek to encourage and build others up, and show others the same grace WE have been shown?

Are WE grateful people? Are WE content with the home we have…the car we have…the husband we have? Are WE hard workers, doing more than what is required of us, and doing all that we do for the glory of God? Are WE lazy? Are WE good stewards of the bodies, time, and possessions that have been given to us?

Are WE following God, depending on and trusting in Him to meet all of our needs? Even in a time of financial crisis? Do WE love God? Are WE growing in our walk with Him? Are WE faithful to spend time in His Word, and can others tell we have spent time with Him by how we speak, by our attitudes, by how we respond and react to life’s circumstances? Are WE careful about where we go, what we watch (even when we are alone) and who our companions are?
The dance steps: 1-2-3 … 1-2-3 … 1-2-3 …

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
2. Teach His words diligently, talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
3. Bind His words as a sign on our hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 11)

1-2-3 … 1-2-3 … 1-2-3 …

Learn the dance….

Live the dance…

Teach, talk, and dance the dance.

Make the dance a part of who you are!  If they can see the dance, it will be easier for them to learn it! And then you will be able to extend your hand to them and ask them to join you! You will be able to say, “Dance WITH me!”

Oh! The joy on that day when your children have learned the “dance of life“…a life lived for God. When they tell you that you taught them the steps. And when you extend your hand and they join you in the dance! Oh! What joy!

 1-2-3 … 1-2-3 … 1-2-3 …

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4


  • Gina Smith

    Gina Smith has served alongside her husband at a small Christian college right outside of Washington DC for almost 20 years, where she serves as the Dean of Women. Gina previously dedicated her days to serving her family, but now that her children are both college students she fully enjoys her calling to mentor to women and young women in person and on-line with her blog Keepin’ It Real! Gina has been a mom for 21 years and she and Brian have been married for 23 years.

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  1. I love thinking about our living for God as a dance. So beautiful. Thank you for the encouragement. And reminder. So important to look in the mirror and make sure I’m dancing before I turn to instruct my kids how to dance. Blessings!

  2. So beautiful line.. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. This all make me to know how beautiful life is…