How to Explain the Meaning of Easter to Your Child
Easter is such an important time for us as Christians. But the heart of this time of year can often get overlooked. With Easter eggs…
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Easter is such an important time for us as Christians. But the heart of this time of year can often get overlooked. With Easter eggs…
Recently, my 11-year-old son and I left the venue where we watched the epic Super Bowl with a few of his closest buddies. We then…
If you’re a Christian mom like us, you want to make the most of the Easter season with your family. We think Resurrection Eggs are…
Godly parenting takes work. Intentional work. There is no easy way around it. Parenting advice is always a hot topic, and there are so many…
There we were… on the third day of no school because of “inclement weather” in North Texas. For the third day in a row, the…
As the mom of two growing kids, I can say one thing for sure about being a parent: No one told me how hard this…
One week ago today, I broke my arm. Well technically, I broke my elbow. Okay so….it was a mere fracture. Two slight fractures on each…
Are you looking for a great way to keep your kids busy and help them learn imaginative play? In this updated post, we’re sharing over…
I’ll never forget the day those big brown eyes stared at me. Those tiny fingers and toes that fit perfectly on his three pound yellow…
A few weeks ago a reader sent me a note after reading my post “Homeschooling Fears.” She asked this question: We are due for our…