Last Updated on July 16, 2018

In the last month I have…

  1. Allowed the enemy into my thought life and wrongly accused my child of lying.
  2. Been lazy and chose to sit and be a slug instead of diligently complete a task I had started.
  3. Allowed my children to view something they shouldn’t have, but at the time … it was easier just to “let it go.”
  4. Looked for every excuse possible not to keep a commitment I had made but wished I hadn’t.
  5. Been totally selfish toward my husband in an area in which I should have just mustered up the time and energy to do the right thing.
  6. Offered lackluster and unhealthy meals because I was “sick” of always having to cook.
  7. Psycho-analyzed another woman in my life to pull her down and make me feel better about myself.
  8. Not done my daily alone time with God … because I was too interested in jumping on the Internet.
  9. Set my children up for failure by not insisting they do what they were supposed to do … because I wanted to avoid the conflict.
  10. Looked in the mirror and beat myself up for all my failures as a mom and wife.

See? You are not the only one who fails.

Can you relate?

Your list may be a bit different than mine, but we all have “epic fails” in our momlives. However, in spite of me (and you), here are the ABCs of what I know to be true … because of who God is.

  1. You are “A” ADORED and APPRECIATED … God enjoys the crinkle in your nose when you smile, and He knows how magnificently special you are — He made you. He sees you when you feel overwhelmed and underequipped, and He wants you to cast your cares on Him and let loose big ol’ belly laughs daily to sustain your joy.
  2. You are “B” BEAUTIFUL and BRAVE … God sees your unique beauty gloriously displayed in the gentleness of your eyes and the curve of your smile. Your inner splendor is evidenced by your selfless actions intuitively lavished on your family. He recognizes that being a mom is hard work and celebrates your triumph with an enchanting sunset to woo your overflowing heart toward Him.
  3. You are “C” CAPTIVATING and CELEBRATED … God draws near when you share the quiet, heartfelt MOMents of love with His children He has entrusted to you. He knows you are the perfect mom for the children whose heads lie softly on the pillows your loving hands thoughtfully fluffed. He calms your restless soul with quiet assurance that all is well.

Now … go look in the mirror and see yourself the way God sees you. I’m headed there myself.

Big hug to you, sister!


  • Tracey Eyster

    Tracey Eyster is the Founder of MomLife Today and the annual Mom Camp event. Her book Be The Mom, LifeWay Bible Study Beautiful Mess and speaking engagements have allowed her the privilege of speaking into the lives of women sharing what God is teaching her. "Be intentional. Be relational. Be selfless." In a nutshell, that's her life and message. Tracey has been a mom since 1993 and she and Bill have been married for over 30 years. @MomBlog

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  1. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with Epic Fails in my life! Thank you for your openness in sharing, Tracey!

  2. In your confessions, I'm reminded of some I should own up to. And then forgive myself for…

  3. Thank you so much moms for your encouragement…we all "fall short" and learning to forgive ourselves and move on is very important so we can have joy in each day! Big Hugs and BTU's! (blessings to you!)