
Last Updated on April 11, 2018

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Anxious because there’s no way to get it all done? Fearful because you don’t know how to handle a difficult person? Unsure about how to make a wise decision? Stressed about all that is going on in your life?

If so, join the club! Honestly, most of us operate throughout the day at some level of stress. I certainly do, but I’d much rather function with a more laid back temperament that simply rests in the Lord. Personally, I know that much of my stress comes from packing too much into my life and from an over-responsible nature that feels that it’s all up to me.

How easy it is for me to forget that God is in control and I am not. It’s not all up to me.

Lately I’ve been contemplating stress reducers. In an attempt to reduce stress in my life I’ve decided to collect ideas that will be helpful.

A story has been told about pastor John Ortberg when he was new on the staff at a very large church. He soon found that he was moving so fast that his spiritual life was going down the drain. So he called his friend Dallas Willard to seek advice. Willard’s response was simply, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry.”

These three words are first on my list of stress reducers. Here are some others that I’m working on:

  • Plan less. Every time I say “yes” to something on my calendar I need to remember that I’m saying “no” to something else.
  • Take 24 hours before responding to most commitment requests (chairing a event, for example). This gives me time to pray and ask, Is this what God wants me to do now?
  • Remember that I may have to postpone something I’d really like to do right now to another season in life.
  • Set aside one day a month to simply “be.” No goals, no agenda, no commitments, but simply just to be alone with the Lord.
  • Remember this old quote: “Do not feel totally, personally, irrevocably responsible for everything. That’s my job. Love, God.” (I’ve posted this one above my washing machine!)

Now, I’m sure you too have discovered some stress reducers. Please leave yours in the comment section below.


  • Susan Yates

    Susan Yates has written thirteen books and has spoken nationally and internationally on the subject of marriage, parenting and women’s issues for many years. For 11 years she was a regular columnist on parenting for Today’s Christian Woman magazine. Susan is the mother of five and has 21 grandchildren, including a set of quads. She is devoted to sharing her wisdom and experience with moms and wives and is selflessly available to those in need. Susan has been a mom for 40 years, she and John have been married for 43 years. Susan Alexander Yates

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  1. I agree with Jenn–great reminder. My stress level is very linked to my faith (or lack thereof!). I needed this today! Thanks, Susan.

  2. My best and most reasonable response to stress? Prayer!
    God's answer to my plea tonight was to get me out of bed and onto Mom Blog where He used your words to remind me of what I know but too often forget or ignore.
    Praise God for His abounding love in using your words to remind me of His capability, faithfulness, and sufficiency.
    Thank you!

  3. I have been stressed since school started back and youth football is in season. I really didn’t know how to organize my day but God helped me make some choices. The pain in my shoulder came back and the frustration of it all. So thanks for the suggestions and continue to pray for me and mine.

  4. Hey Tessa, Lisa, Janel and Jennifer!
    Thanks for all your suggestions! You encourage us!
    One of my prayers each day is, “Lord help me to keep first things first!” (Matthew 6:33)
    Love, Susan Yates

  5. This is a wonderful quote that I just love! If I could just put it into daily practice. 🙂 Thank you.