
Last Updated on June 14, 2018

Having spent so much time recently with our daughter Libby, who recently had quads, we thought it would be fun to share with you what her life has been like. What follows is her description of “a day in the life of a mom with quads!”

People ask me every day what a day in my life is like now that we have had five in two years.  Mimi, Mac, Fitz, and Yates are six weeks old today, and Grey is 25 months. The days are crazy, and I feel like I start a stopwatch when my feet hit the floor in the morning and I don’t stop it until I climb back into bed at night and then only for a brief couple of hours!

5:45 p.m. — Check the clock. Good work … an hour and twenty minutes for the quad’s feeding this time. (We feed at 4, 8, 12, and then start over.) The babies are getting more efficient and so are we, and it feels good. Uh-oh. I see a full bottle sitting on the shelf. Shoot! We forgot to feed one of the babies, and we just got them all tucked back into their cribs.  Poor Fitz, I wondered why he was screaming!

6:00 p.m. — A friend delivers dinner. Thank you, God, for a supportive community!

6:25 p.m. — No time to sit and eat. I have to laugh instead of cry. I never had “baby brain” after the birth of my first daughter, and I prided myself in easily getting back into the swing of things with a well-structured life. This time it’s different.  My brain is disintegrating by the minute. I forgot to feed Fitz, I found a  baby bottle in the trash can,  a baby’s hat in a different trash can, I carried Mimi around and set her down to nurse but then forgot where I had put her or what I was doing with her. We can laugh about this … right?!

8:30 p.m. — My in-laws stop by to check on us. We’re in the middle of the 8 o’clock feeding. I have to stop my father-in-law from eating the breast milk in the freezer. He has it confused with the homemade lime ice cream my neighbor gave us.

9:30 p.m. — A very brief dinner with my husband. NO, it isn’t quiet as two monitors are going off on the counter and we are wondering which child we hear tossing and turning.

10:45 p.m. — A final visit with my pump, a note written with instructions for the night nurse — God bless this woman. She is truly a gift, a lifesaver! And off goes our light!

2:30 a.m. — The alarm jars me out of bed to pump again. I do it as fast as I can so I can grab a few more hours of shut-eye. The nurse feeds the babies all night, and I just pump. (Whew!)

5:30 a.m. — Pump again. The Medela Breast Pump is my new best friend!

6:00 a.m. — Debrief with my night nurse on how the babies did during the night.

6:30 a.m. — Exercise briefly while my husband entertains our two-year-old. If I don’t do this, I will go stark raving mad. I blast worship music in my ears and prepare body and soul for the day ahead.

7:30 a.m. — All hands on deck as Grey needs help with breakfast ,and we must prepare the bottles for the next feeding. Woops. Our black lab, Otis, hears the babies beginning to squeak and goes to investigate.

8:00-9:30 a.m. — Feed babies, change diapers — again. One day we counted, and our guess is we changed about 45 diapers a day! Just counting gave us a laugh. And we cheer a lot — especially for good burps, drained bottles, and sometimes even for nasty poops. The loudest cheers, though, come from The Wiggles on DVR, our best method of distraction for Grey while we feed babies. I am tired of the Wiggles, but I’m not sure we’d survive without them.

9:45 a.m. — Pump again! Even though I’m nursing two babies at the same time, I still have to pump to keep my milk supply high enough to keep nourishing four growing appetites.

11:00 a.m. — Mom and I pick up the playroom, as it has gotten strewn about with burp clothes, dirty diapers, bottles, and two-year-olds’ toys and markers. We race the dishes to the dishwasher and the laundry to the dryer as we try to get out in the yard to play with Grey, all while carrying around the monitor to make sure we can get back up the stairs to calm a fussy baby. There is time for a quick lunch for Grey, and then it is back upstairs by noon to begin the second feeding session, which is interrupted about 1:00 with getting Grey down for her nap. After spending all that time with baby bottles and nursing, it just seems cruel to have to go pump again, but my best friend is calling. There is time for a quick lunch for myself, and then the dryer is buzzing, the phone is ringing, and Grey is beginning to stir from her nap. Before I have time to finish my coffee from the morning, it is time to begin the 4 p.m. feeding, followed with pumping and then playtime with Grey until Daddy comes home and is thrown into the circus with us. Dinner, bath, story, and bedtime for Grey bring us full circle back to the 8 p.m. feeding and pumping session all over again.

Do you wish you hadn’t asked about my day? It does sound busy and tedious and monotonous, and believe me, I feel like it is all those things …vbut it is more than that.

It is a miracle, it is a joy, it is a gift, and it is an incredible honor to have the responsibility to raise these children for the Lord.

As long as we laugh on this adventure and take it one day at a time, we can beat the clock and have fun doing it together with a divine purpose.



  • Susan Yates

    Susan Yates has written thirteen books and has spoken nationally and internationally on the subject of marriage, parenting and women’s issues for many years. For 11 years she was a regular columnist on parenting for Today’s Christian Woman magazine. Susan is the mother of five and has 21 grandchildren, including a set of quads. She is devoted to sharing her wisdom and experience with moms and wives and is selflessly available to those in need. Susan has been a mom for 40 years, she and John have been married for 43 years. Susan Alexander Yates

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    1. Oh my goodness Libby! You are truly amazing and a rockstar! I've been dying to know what a day in your life is like. Thanks so much for sharing and I so appreciate your humor…I'll think of that when I get frustrated with just our 3 kiddos. We love you all!!

  1. Wow, Libs. What WILL you do when they are bigger and you have a few extra minutes in the day? We are so impressed and proud and boggled by the way you all have taken it all in stride, and we can't wait to meet the babies ourselves soon! Much much love. . .

  2. Sweet sweet Lib,

    I loved reading this. I admire you deeply. Proud of you for taking it one day at a time and laughing a lot. These precious children are miracles and I can't think of two more AMAZING parents to step in for the challenge. Praying for the small amounts of time that you have for yourself. Praying for peace to cover you and the Lord's love to propel you forward. These days are His. He has you right where He wants you. I only wish I lived next door.

    Love you so much.

    … I'll send you some of my favorite worship!!! 🙂

  3. Libby;

    God bless you girl! You are one strong woman and clearly a strong Christian mom. Very proud of you. Sounds like you have a great support system and that you have your priorities in order. Can't wait to see all the babies grow up and Grey be that wonderful big sisie of 4! She'll make a great big sister! All the best to you and all your family.

    Mariel Endres Goyonaga

  4. Libby,

    Thanks for sharing that. I am so encouraged by your attitude–especially the thankfulness, dependence on God, and humor. I will carry that encouragement with me. When I'm up in the night with my #4, I always pray for you, thinking of all you have on your plate.

  5. Thanks for sharing Libby! Having just had my fifth (one at a time) I resonate with your

    schedule. I only have one infant but do spend far more time with my breast pump than chatting with my friends, only for a season. It is humbling yet vital to "major in the minors" of feeding and playing and doing

    the laundry for now.

  6. I am delighted to hear about Libby and Susan, you look as young as ever. 38? In my mind I am 18 but my body says it is 62! I just became a grandmother to Anjali Regina Falbo. Francesca had her at home in San Francisco where she is also working on her PHD in medical anthropology. We always knew she was smart.

  7. She IS amazing!!! What shines through the feedings, diapers, bottles, burps, poops, crying, smiling, keeping up with a toddler, too, potty-training, loving your husband, keeping your home, …(and on and on), is her dependence and trust in the Lord! JOY and PEACE radiate, even in a home with 5 children 2 and under! That is a testimony to the Lord!

  8. I am so super proud of you Libs! You are Wonder Woman incarnate – for reasons to many to count. I love you! big sis

  9. I'm so happy to read this! And SO proud of you Libby… you are my most amazing and best friend I've ever had! I am so thankful for the time I had with you and your 5 in January. You are a SUPER mom, friend, wife, and daughter and are loved by so many. I pray for you everyday. Miss you all and love you! Mols