Last Updated on September 3, 2013

I woke up Sunday morning, groggy and grumpy. “Sweet Pea,”’ our 21-month-old foster baby, has sleep issues and finally gave up the fight at 5:00 a.m. As I lay in bed at 7:00 a.m., I complained to God. “You know, I already followed your command to care for the fatherless by adopting my son. At age 36, don’t you think I should be enjoying my growing children instead of spending sleepless nights with a toddler? Why did you have to wrap my heart so tightly around her when I might have to give her up, spending all these sleepless nights in vain?”

Needless to say, I did not show up at church with a heart for worship. I was full of self-pity and guilt for my resentment toward my sleepless night caring for a toddler whom I love with my life. But, as only God can do, He used one of his servants to open my eyes to my selfishness and to realize the great privilege of my calling as a mother. Our pastor, Tim Lundy, guided us through the little information in the Bible about a couple named Priscilla and Aquilla and how those few verses revealed what a great impact they had on His Kingdom. The first action of theirs recorded was that of hospitality: the love of strangers. They willingly opened their home to a stranger named Paul for 18 months, which just happens to be the same amount of time we’ve had our baby girl with us. In the midst of persecution as Christians, they went on to host church services in their home, to instruct one of the greatest evangelists, Apollos, and to help spread the Gospel. They had to move repeatedly and set up new congregations, not just once. And it all began with hospitality. I’m sure it was inconvenient at times. It required sacrifice. It wasn’t a one-time mission—it was a lifetime calling. Paul even acknowledges that they risked their lives for him. No great sermons from them are recorded in the Bible, but their names are because they were willing to spend their lives in service.

As Christians, we are called to a lifetime of service for the less fortunate, the fatherless and the widows, not once a year on Orphan Sunday or Cityfest but year-round, being available to the opportunities to show Christ to hurting souls. We are God’s solution for the pain and poverty we see in our world. As our pastor said, “Living for the Kingdom always involves risk but leads to greater rewards.” Though sometimes it’s inconvenient, messy and exhausting, as I sit here holding my baby girl, I can assure you the blessings far outweigh the inconvenience. As my children receive a warm smile and welcome from our widowed neighbor, they are learning that serving others is rewarding though it requires time and work. There is no greater joy than removing our focus from our own circumstances and focusing on God’s  Kingdom. For more information on how you can make an impact:

To listen to the sermon mentioned (I did not do it justice!):


  • Julia DesCarpentrie

    Julia DesCarpentrie is passionate about orphan care, adoption and fostering. Payday loans online. She has been blessed to live out God’s call on her life in those areas through her work with The CALL (Children of Arkansas Loved for a Lifetime), a foster care church initiative encouraging more Christian families to foster children in need. Julia has been an advocate for the fatherless for 10 years, as both a volunteer and also serving with Hope for Orphans before her work with The CALL. She is also an active volunteer in the community and has served on several community boards. She continues to minister to other mothers and foster/adoptive families through writing and speaking with MomLife Today. Julia is the mom of five children entrusted to her care through birth, adoption and fostering. She and Branden have been married for 16 years.

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  1. Thanks for sharing! A great reminder. The things God has called us to do are not easy, but He is with us and will give us grace to help us through. Keep on Keepin' On!

  2. Oh Julia, i am so touched by your post. Isn't it funny how God speaks to us sometimes? What a wonderful historical account of some remarkable Christians that He used to remind you of how He chose you for such a time as this. I am blessed by yoiur honesty and testimony. I pray that you are continually blessed as you care for this precious little one whom our Father has entrusted to you. No cooincidence!

    1. Thank you, Pam. You're right- Sweet Pea's placement in our home was no coicidence and it is so humbling that He chose us for this precious life. I appreciate your blessing and encouragement!