
Last Updated on May 30, 2024

Looking to mix things up a bit this Father’s Day? Here’s a little idea you might find appealing!

In general, most men are fond of humor and enjoy a little fun and silliness. So this Father’s Day maybe we should just “go there” with the dads in our life and set up the opportunity for simple delight.

How about if this year we celebrate our men with “acts of service” that snuggle right up next to “acts of humor,” in a way that is fun, while still being honoring!

Allow me to offer up a daily schedule for Father’s Day Funnies that you might want to add to your plans this year.

6 Father’s Day Funnies

1. Serve him breakfast on a paper plate that has been decorated around the edges with some crayon or magic marker! Make him some green eggs and ham, creamer that is blue (food coloring) and toast that has a smiley face butter pattern! Serve this with a completely straight face, if possible.

2. Make him a t-shirt with permanent markers that has kid art all over it and so that he gets the “standard” necktie – draw a tie on the shirt!

3. At lunch serve him a sandwich that has a bite taken out of it… for that matter take a bite out of everything on his plate! Sing him a silly song: Happy Father’s Day to the tune of the happy birthday song!

4. In the afternoon, have a sweet and fun “Dad roast.” Have each person tell a story of a time daddy did something fun and/or funny that is a great memory!

5. For dinner make his favorite, have everyone wear silly hats and then after dinner watch a favorite funny movie or watch great comedians like Michael Jr. or Tim Hawkins and giggle and grin the night away.

6. Then have your kids tuck dad into bed, instead of the other way around and have your children pray over their daddy. Or maybe even a big slumber party in your room as you all fall asleep sharing memories of the day… and of your dad!

That sounds like a Father’s Day tradition may be in the works! Anyone else have any fun ideas to add to the mix?

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