Last Updated on June 9, 2024

Moms are always looking for some “summer fun” ideas.  Well here’s an uncomplicated one to add to the list!

Back in my old neighborhood, when my children were younger, our yard was known for the Eyster version of a day at the beach.

I would announce to my children we were having a day at Mom’s Beach and the squeals of delight would ensue! I’d start off by loading my children into the car, backing out of the garage and into the yard.

Once the car was safely parked in the yard we would all get out and grab the buckets and rags and wash the car. After which we’d all jump back in and pull it right back into the garage! Okay, I know that sounds odd, but it’s how we always started Mom’s Beach.

It helped build the excitement I guess—plus it always made Daddy happy.

Chore done, now the fun!

We would then drag out our little plastic pool and the big bucket of outside toys, fill up the pool with water, and start having some serious fun in the sun. I’d call some neighbors and friends and let them know Mom’s Beach was open and sometimes we’d have visitors, sometimes it was just us.

I’d play with them lots, but this set up also allows for mom to have some down time sitting in the beach chair—right next to the little ones in the pool. Mom’s Beach would last the better part of a day and it’s the kind of fun that’s easy to reproduce, we did this at least twice a week!

Yes, we’ve taken trips to the real beach before, but think about it … what do children really like to do while at the beach? Play with toys and just sort of be kids.

Granted, they play with toys in the sand at the beach, but if you provide other options trust me, they’ll play and be very happy about it.

I admit I did miss the beauty and majesty of the ocean, but the sound of children giggling and pretending has a majesty all its own!

And yes, a hose is a weak second to a crashing wave … but hey, fun is fun! And there’s a lot to be said about a day at the beach without having to deal with sand EVERYWHERE!

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  1. Mary Ann Roach says:

    Tracey – what fun! Many moments that are rather "easy" to do – often have the most impact! One thing in my "Summer Bag" has been a day that we have entitled "Fun Food Day". It is the day that our children get to eat crazy food combinations. It started as an off-handed comment by me – when The Trips were younger – they would be trying to eat pasta with their fingers, dip green beans in their milk/etc! One day I said "Please don't do that – in the summer I'll pick a day and you may eat however you want". It was survival! So – we started "Fun Food Day" – and each year it has been a bit different. Licking applesauce out of a bowl like a dog, painting with chocolate pudding, attempting to taste crazy food combinations, adding food coloring to scrambled eggs – anything is possible! A couple of years we had a good, old-fashioned food fight in the backyard:ketchup/mustard/honey and a few raw eggs. One year I thought that the kids had outgrown "Fun Food Day" and I didn't bring it up – but they did! When it starts to get a bit out of hand, I remind myself that it is only one day out of the entire year – and smile in spite of the jello on my shirt! Thanks for pointing us in the direction of fun and memories – wish we could come play at Mom's Beach!
    Mary Ann

  2. littlesanctuary (Kim) says:

    I just found this blog through chats with an old lady. What a great resource.

  3. Tracey, your post brought back memories of hours of summer fun in our wading pool. Now we have a neighborhood pool and our youngest is eight. No wading pool fun these days. But my daughter and I both sighed as we passed the stack of pools at Academy Sports and recalled past summers when the toddler pool was their only option for cooling off. And I’ll admit it right now, I would take a dip in the little pool now and then, but only for a moment. There wasn’t enough room for the children when Mom got in.

  4. Tracey Lanter says:

    OK Mary Ann – I'm up for the challenge! Fun Food Day will happen at our house, er…in our yard…before summer comes to a close! Thanks for the GREAT idea!