Pile of clothes on a drying rack in a cozy bedroom setting with natural light.

Hey ladies, I’m Victoria Archer, and yes, I too am drowning in laundry.

Just a few days ago, I mentioned to a friend that I was overwhelmed. I ran through the list of things that felt like a mountain of to do’s, from dishes, to grading the kids’ schoolwork, to podcast recordings, and many more.

Then my eight -year old daughter says, “Mommy, I feel like we don’t spend enough time together.” What? You’re homeschooled, was the first thing I thought. The second was, great. Another thing begging for my attention that I’m failing at.

This was a lock myself in the bathroom for 15 minutes, while my children ran around in mayhem kind of moments. But as I sat and prayed, the Lord reminded me, Don’t do it without Me. Focus on knowing Me, loving Me, getting closer to Me.

I took the last five minutes of my hiatus to read my Bible on my phone. Then I committed to getting up in the morning to spend time with the Lord. Even if the baby woke up with me, I could be up to give my strength through time with the Lord.

As I walked out of my bathroom, I was met by my two -year -old son, running around with no clothes on, my four – and six -year -old sons playing ninja in my closet, and my daughter was in a sea of craft materials. Oh, and the six -month -old baby, I actually forgot about him in the high chair. But it’s okay, guys. Everything was fine. He was fine.

But as I walked back into the chaos, I did not walk alone. God had my back, and I focused on one thing at a time. The house still wasn’t spotless, and I still had a long list of to-dos, but I could show up tomorrow again, and this time, God would be with me.

Simon Peter, who walked with Jesus, tells us in 1 Peter 4: 13,

Dear friends, don’t be surprised when the fiery ordeal comes among you to test you, as if something unusual were happening to you. Instead, rejoice as you share in the suffering of Christ, so that you may also rejoice with great joy when his glory is revealed.

1 Peter 4:13

Well, laundry technically isn’t suffering, but I felt like the verse was fitting for the moment, and I hope it helps you too.


  • Victoria Archer

    Victoria Archer, MS is a scientist turned stay-at-home mom.  Her passion for healing people physically was radically transformed into healing women spiritually.  While homeschooling her four children, she has made it her mission to help fellow mothers encounter Christ during the difficult seasons of raising young children.  She is the author of the devotional, Surviving Your Postpartum Season, founder of Braless.Blog, and a Bible study leader.  When she’s not changing diapers and teaching first-grade math, she’s serving alongside her husband who pastors a group of house churches with the mission to “love one another”.

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