Are You Willing to Die on THAT Hill?
“I can’t get my stepkids to eat healthy foods,” a stepmother shared with me. “When they are at their mom’s house they eat fast food…
Find posts about Children on MomLife Today. These articles for moms cover topics on everything from childhood to ages and stages of development, faith topics for kids and more. You may also enjoy our posts under Parenting, Babies and Toddlers, and Fun.
“I can’t get my stepkids to eat healthy foods,” a stepmother shared with me. “When they are at their mom’s house they eat fast food…
Having fun as a family this 4th of July doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, it can be as easy as opening your pantry!…
Do you sometimes feel embarrassed in front of your friends because your child won’t talk and simply grumbles a “yes” or “no” to an adult’s…
How will you interact with the little lives, and little hearts, in your home when the heat gets turned up this summer? Following are two…
There may be nothing a parent dreads more than having “the talk” with her child. You know the one – the talk where we explain…
Hey there, Jenn, I got your “hint, hint” loud and clear! You asked for some ideas of fun activities over the summer, so here you…
When I was a kid I used to get so disappointed when my mom told me we were having leftovers for dinner. I don’t know…
I used to laugh when my mother-in-law Darlyne told me how my husband was a strong-willed child. That’s until our daughter turned out to be exactly like her dad.
“The juggler in the circus,” “A stay-at-home mom in the business of raising successful children,” “COM (Chief Operations Manager),” and my favorite, “Your Majesty.” The…
Make your relationship with the Lord your number one priority. If you’re too busy for God, you’re just plain too busy. Make time for the…