A Back to School Prayer

Last Updated on March 11, 2024

It felt like I received a direct hit to the gut. I opened the long-awaited envelope from my son’s elementary school. The letter revealed the name of his soon-to-be first-grade teacher.

I did my due diligence. I filled out the school’s paperwork in which I described the type of teacher my son needed to succeed: sensitive, loving, encouraging, and female. I prayed for God’s choice of a teacher. The bases were covered.

My eyes fell on the paragraph that included the name of his teacher, “Mr._____.”

“Mister! What? I specifically said female.”

Thankfully I maintained my composure and shared the news and not my thoughts with Jake. 

“Good news, Mr. A will be your first-grade teacher. How fun!” While I simultaneously and privately talked to God, “Lord, You totally messed this up. Why didn’t You honor my prayer?” 

A week or so later I attended back-to-school night while Tom stayed home with the kids. I was determined to check out this teacher.

Mr. A went on to introduce himself. His voice was gentle and quiet. His manner was easy and calming. “I was born in Brazil because my parents were missionaries.”

Mr. A. was sensitive, loving, encouraging and the big bonus, he knew and loved the Lord!

God did provide His choice of a teacher for my son.

God did answer my prayer. His answer was better than my prayer. 

Now, I am Mimi and my son Jake, is Daddy.  I still pray before the school year begins. I pray for my grands.

I pray for these 7 things:

  • Good, God-honoring friends
  • A warm and encouraging classroom atmosphere.
  • A hunger to learn.
  • A teacher who loves and understands my child’s (grand’s) gifting and challenges.
  • Protection from evil influences or messages. 
  • An ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil.
  • A teacher of God’s choosing. 


Here is a prayer you may want to pray for your student as the school year approaches: 

Father God,

Thank you for loving my child (my grand). Please provide the best possible environment for my child to learn. I ask that you place him with a teacher of your choosing and in a classroom with a positive atmosphere filled with encouragement and an excitement for learning. Please protect my child from any evil influences. Give my child opportunities to make good and godly friends, motivation to learn new things, and strength to do Your will.  And Lord, give me the faith to trust You if my specific qualifications are not met. Amen

I am so thankful God answers my back-to-school prayers in His way and not mine.  He will answer your back-to-school prayers His way, too. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6


  • Lori Wildenberg

    Lori Wildenberg is passionate about helping families build connections that last a lifetime. She is a licensed parent and family educator, national speaker, and award-winning author of 6 books including, The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections. Lori would love to partner with you at your next event or retreat. To find out more go to loriwildenberg.com.

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