Last Updated on December 7, 2016

Someone told me this week that they could in no way do what I was doing, having three kids three and under.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. But it was good for me to reflect again on why I love my exhausted life and am grateful for God’s sovereignty in it. Plus, God gives us our daily bread, gives us what we need exactly when we need it, and Scripture’s full of great examples—manna is one of my favorites. But I thought, for my own benefit and your interest (if you are in fact interested), I’d compile a list:

10 Reasons I’m SO Glad I Have Three Kids Close Together:

  1. They learn patience. There’s no way I can meet all of their needs when they want them met.
  2. They learn nurture at a very young age. It’s so neat to see the big brothers learn to interact with Corinne.
  3. They learn to help. They’re learning self-sacrifice in ways I couldn’t otherwise teach.
  4. They’re best friends. Last year when I asked my oldest who he wanted to invite to his birthday party, he thought a minute, then asked if his brother can come. And my baby girl giggles and kicks with anticipation when they come near. At night I have to choose between telling them to PLEASE SLEEP or letting them belly laugh with each other.
  5. I learn to die to self. Each kid teaches me more of that, and I can think of few more beneficial lessons for me to learn! “It’s not about you” is something I seem to always need to hear. It brings my tendency to be a martyr to the surface and reintroduces me to the truly beautiful discipline of joy.
  6. They avoid some self-centeredness. They hopefully won’t remember a time when their world was all about them.
  7. I teach all of them at once! They’re all in similar stages together. They’re often interested in the same things. And they teach each other.
  8. It teaches me more faith in God’s sovereignty and wisdom. I have to trust every day that He’ll give me what I need for this crazy bunch. This was His idea, and it was a good one—which brings me to #9:
  9. I can’t imagine not having my strategically-thinking, learning-loving oldest son; my relational, carpe diem middle son; my curious, deeply happy baby girl in the world—these fabulous little creatures that bear God’s image. Aside from God’s sovereignty, imagine that their lives, their incredible personalities, wouldn’t be! Scripture repeatedly reminds me of the blessing of children and makes me think twice, considering that in our country we usually determine how many children we can afford, and consider children inconvenient.
  10. It is certainly humbling for me. I always seem to have at least one thing (usually my house) out of my control (!), and often have to depend on other people’s kindness rather than my own ability to manage my life. (Sheesh.) It’s worth it. As I am fond of saying, I have my hands full in the best way possible.

Thanks, Lord.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing your observations, Janel. I enjoyed reading them – and your article on anger. I, too, have never felt such anger until being a Momma. Crazy how they can push our buttons.