Last Updated on April 1, 2024
Some kiddos just finished spring break week. Instagram threads are filled with vacation photos and ideas for easy going unscheduled time — picnic with friends in the park, reading books, blowing bubbles, and painting masterpieces.
We know a lot of you will be starting your spring break this week, so check out these 30 ideas for Spring Break … that have proven most helpful to many! There are 15 ideas for little ones and 15 ideas for older children.
We invite you to visit our Instagram (yes, finally we are on Instagram – better late than never!) to tell us what you are doing (or did) on your break!
We thought it might be fun to give you quick access to several other helpful posts (blasts from the past) for you to ponder and practice … a sort of “Spring Cleaning” for your thought life along with some new ideas we hope will make you smile!
1 – Conflict in Marriage is Like Peeling an Onion
Read a personal story from Barbara about marriage and how to view conflict. How we perceive our differences with our spouse (and how our spouse views it) makes a big difference. Each time we experience a conflict with our hubby, we have an opportunity to get closer to his heart and vice versa. You will be encouraged reading her words.
2 – Is Your To-Do List a Monster?
Janel shares a little peek into her day … the struggle is real.
This is where my “patience raisin” enters the scene — you know, that fruit of the Spirit that looks kinda shriveled and overcooked in the middle of my day. Because being a mom with a task list means being a mom primed for an interruption.
3 – How to Prevent Chores Gone Crazy
This fun post from Heather Hawkins starts off with an original verse to the popular song “I’m Yours” written by her hubby, comedian Tim Hawkins (you will have that stuck in your head all week — thanks, Heather!).
Her chore system sounds great! Let us know how it works out for you!
4 – Special Needs, Tooth Brushing, and Perspective
You’ll enjoy this transparent peek into Jennifer’s life. Seeing what she does when she needs a new perspective and allows God to show her the right direction.
I came home, retreated to a quiet corner, opened my Bible. ‘God, I’m so angry this morning, but it’s really about my frustrations and fear that I am a terrible mother. I need some perspective here.’ Well, there’s nothing like reading some good Old Testament to get perspective.
When feeling overwhelmed we need to follow Jennifer’s example!
Maybe you have had pancake mornings on Saturdays, but have you ever thought of actually throwing them through the air! Your kids will no doubt think this is a great idea–you may be challenged with the thought! We double dog dare you to give it a try … at least once. Make those memories mom!
It is fun to envision those Saturday mornings at Tracey‘s house. Once a fun mom, always a fun mom!
For all you married women out there … Julia shares some tips to help you transition from “Mom, taxi driver, short-order cook, laundry service, etc. …” into “Mrs.” after the kids are all tucked in.