As moms, we all want to feel like what we do every day really matters.

We love the idea of being seen as a woman who lives and loves well in this frantic world.

But for most of us… we’re just acting.

We’re hiding – hoping that no one will find out that we’re anxious and overwhelmed and that we don’t actually have it all together. 

Not to mention we are TIRED.

We’re tired from the increasing demands at work, the endless to-do lists, and trying to actually show up and be present in all of our relationships. 

If you’re anything like me, you tend to fall into a cycle of telling yourself to just, “Try harder!’ Then you collapse at night, thinking of everything you wish you had done differently. 

Just Take a Breath

But here’s what I’m learning… sometimes you just have to take a breath.

I really wish there was a quick fix for the pressures that so many of us moms feel.

Maybe there could be a three-step program or a magic pill that would make life easier. 

But what I can tell you is that every moment that we have breath is an invitation.

Every breath is an opportunity to see a holy God, to meet Him, hold onto His promises, and allow HIS words to hold onto us.

THIS is where we’ll realize that whether we’re in the highs of triumph or the heaviness of trial, what we do really matters.

THIS is where we experience the freedom of not hiding.

THIS is where we’ll find the strength to take another breath.

If you walk away remembering anything today I just want you to know this – you’re not alone.

You’re never alone. And as moms, we are on this journey together. 

So what does your next step look like?

  • Maybe it’s setting aside time to reflect, rest in God’s Word, and give yourself soul rest.
  • Making it’s making a habit of seeking God and praying over your kids each morning. 
  • Maybe it’s being willing to share your story with other women who are walking into something God has brought you through. 

You’re not alone. I am praying for and rooting for you today. And we are SO glad that you are here.

A portion of this article is an excerpt from Kirsten’s brand new book Sis, Take a Breath, available now wherever books are sold. You can find out more about the book and grab your copy today at