The other day I met Hazel for coffee. The youngest, most adorable coffee date I have ever had!
We met at the local coffee shop. Her mom and I spent time talking while Hazel had fun eating Cheerios, dropping Cheerios on the floor, taking her shoes off, dropping her shoes on the floor, playing with keys, dropping keys on the floor. I’m so glad Hazel was able to make it. I love being with her and being able to talk over coffee with her mom. We may be several years apart in age, but she is my sister in Christ, and I’m encouraged and rejuvenated after we have time together.
We chatted about our husband’s work schedules and how hard it is when they are gone for so many hours a day, and we talked about how we can encourage them when they are overwhelmed or stressed because of their jobs. We shared what God is teaching us during this time in our lives, about keeping a budget and trusting God to provide, about not stressing over the small things, making healthy meals, and about how to keep marriages from becoming dull and lifeless.
The thing that I am struck with the most when we are together is that, even though we are over 20 years apart in age, we are actually going through many of the same challenges and circumstances.
I may have been dealing with these things a little longer than her, but I am still learning and growing. I can share with Hazel’s mom the things I’ve learned over the years, but she can share with me what she is learning as well. I am just as challenged by what God is showing her as she might be when she talks with a woman who is older than her. She is my sister! My younger sister! We are in this together!
Carrying Hazel in my arms, I walked her and her mom to their car. Strapped in her car seat, Hazel began to fall asleep before they could even pull out of the parking space. I guess meeting me for coffee and throwing things on the floor is exhausting when you are eight months old! I waved at her through the back window, gave her mom a hug goodbye, and they drove away.
As I walked to my car, I reflected back to the time when my kids were young, and remembered how exhausting it can be. Being with Hazel and her mom is not only encouraging to me, but it provokes me to praise and worship God for all He has done over the years and how faithful He has been. I am reminded of how He has provided and led us as we have raised our kids. And my prayer, as Hazel’s mom drives away, is that she has been handed some hope that God will be as faithful to her as he has been to me!
We need each other. We need to share with each other about God’s faithfulness in our everyday lives, and about what He has done over the years. No matter what age you are, you can share about how God has met you, and challenge your sisters in Christ!
Young moms, you encourage and challenge me more than you will ever know, when you share what God is teaching you. It helps me in my daily walk with God, but reminds me of how far He has brought me. You may need older women in your lives to point you to Jesus…but we need you, too.
I am so thankful for my younger sisters!
{Editor’s Note: This post was first published on October 15, 2012, Gina has been witness to much joy in bringing the generations together. We encourage you to reach out to someone not in your generation and start a new relationship that will bless you both! Pray for God to reveal “who” and then “go for it” mom!}
Awww! That was so sweet, and what a cutie pie!!!!! You are right. We do need each other!