Last Updated on March 12, 2024

Gotcha! You thought because of the title of this post, I was gonna give you some hints on how to stop your children from whining. Well, I will throw that in shortly — but this is for you, Mom!

Last week our guest post writer Jessica Fisher of Life As Mom wrote a lingering post where she used the phrase “God stoops without sighing,” and that phrase has been swirling around in my head this week in all of its poetic-ness and simple truth.

Then last Friday, Hubby sent me a link to the following post written by Seth Godin. (Love him.)

More fodder for deep thought.

So, that got me to pondering … what have I been sighing and whining about lately? Yes, something came to mind, but that is a thought I shall privately keep to myself … as I am still in process on that one.

I further pondered. Now, what did I used to say to my children when they were whining? (Here’s the aforementioned suggestion.)

“Sorry, Sweetie, Mom can’t hear you when your voice is like that. You need to go to your room; when you are ready to use your real voice and tell me why you are frustrated (pronounced fa-rus-ta-rated), you can come back in here and talk to me, and I will help you.”

I knew I could help my child … but my child was incapable of processing my help due to her own very visible and audible attitude.

Since I was in such a magnificent pondering mode, I kept going.

Imagine God, in all His power and glory, looking down at me when I am right smack dab in the middle of one of my “poor pitiful me, sighing, whining, mud-puddle splashing, woe is me, I suppose I should just go out in the yard and eat worms” MOMents … days … weeks. … Okay, never mind – when I am in a valley, regardless of the length of time.

Anyway, God, with whom I spend most of my day in an ongoing conversation (because He loves me that much — you, too, if you didn’t realize it), would then bend down, look into my downtrodden eyes and forlorn pouty face, and say,

“Sorry, Tracey, I cannot help you when your attitude is like that. You need to open the Word; when you embrace the truth, you can bow your head and listen to me, and I will help you.”

He is with us always, but it is our attitude that causes us not to grasp what He is trying to teach us.

[verse reference=”1 John 3:1a”]See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God …[/verse]

Do you ever find yourself whining a little too much? Leave us a comment so we can share MOMLife together.

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  1. OUCH!! Thanks for posting. I really needed this today. It is often hard to except that our children mimic what they see…thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thanks Elisabeth – I grinned when I read your “ouch” – I call those “brick MOMents” – when God tosses a brick at me to get my attention! Here’s a random mom challenge – in the middle of the day turn on some loud music and dance like a silly woman with your children – that’ll be a memorable mimic! Blessings to you – Tracey

  2. It's so easy to start down that road of whining without even realizing it. There's a good book by Jan

    Silvious, "Big Girls Don't Whine: Getting on with the Great Life God Intends." I like to get her book out and reread parts of it when I find myself on the whining road. Great post to ponder!

  3. Talk about hitting a sore spot! I was telling my daughter today to just ignore my mood…. not mad at anyone just irritated by everything! And then my dear friend Tracey posts this devotional.
    Okay ,God you have my undivided attention . AND my improved attitude!
    Love you!

  4. WOW!!! That stings a little (OK a lot) 🙂 Further reflection brings me to the thought that my children are wondering why they were getting reprimanded for whining when I was acting the same way.
    Nothing like having my eyes open to the truth. Thank you so much for this insight!

    1. A little "holy sting" never hurt anybody…too much! Us girls gotta stick together and help each other out – momlife is a daily challenge – happy to share my struggles/insights w/you! Blessings – and have a fantastical weekend!

  5. I am going to add another “Ouch” to the comments. I really need an attitude check, I even got an e-mail this morning with the following quote in it, “Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?” And here is one more “Ouch” for good measure. Thanks for this great post.

    1. Hey Heather – Good reminder to us all to check the attitude and good intentions that we talk about and commit ourselves to praying for God’s guidance and help! Thanks for sharing your momlife with us! Blessings to you, Tracey