Last Updated on March 19, 2018

No more diaper bags. My youngest was three and fully potty trained. I was so excited. For years, I knew God wanted me to write, but time and household responsibilities kept me putting my ideas in a purse next to my nightstand. I had written part of a manuscript and had two publishers looking at it.

Returning from the store one Saturday, I listened to all the messages on our answering machine. “Hey, Robyn, this is Amy. I know you told me that you and Ray had considered adoption once; there’s a mom who wants an African American Christian family to adopt her baby boy. I think she is due tomorrow.” One week later, I am rooming in with this special birth mom, preparing to take my newborn son home. The hospital gave me a new diaper bag.

Ryland is now two years old and extremely active. His energy does not run out until five minutes after his head hits the pillow at night. He is my divine interruption.

God in His wisdom allows each of us an opportunity to serve him through what would seem to be an interruption to our agenda. In Scripture, I see divine interruptions everywhere. Job had one through the loss of his family, home, and resources. Esther had one from peasant to palace. Paul had several from Damascus to Apostle. We all have an appointment where God’s plans are not our plans, but yet they are divine.

I have noticed one thing in the divine appointments in the biblical stories. We don’t know much about the biblical characters, but we know them by their interruption. Job’s interruption sent him on a path to know God. Esther’s interruption saved a nation. Paul’s first interruption changed his devotion until he died.

There are challenges with divine interruptions. Some are tragic in our eyes. Some may only last a few days or months, like the hospitalization of your child. Some may last the rest of your lifetime, like an unexpected death of a spouse. No matter how long your cessation, it changes your total outlook on life. Life with God is faith in action. We make plans for our lives, but God is free to alter our plans. These alterations increase your faith because trusting God is the only way you can get through them.

Ryland is a happy little boy. He is an artist, and even my furniture has been his canvas. He loves to play ball and has broken many things with a well-targeted throw. He loves to talk, even though I don’t understand half of what he is saying. This interruption is now part of my life until I go to be with Jesus. What is your divine interruption? How has it completely changed you for the kingdom of God? When you have gone from this home to your home in heaven, what will you leave behind because of one of your divine interruptions?

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

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  1. Hey special friend…this is great and I look forward to watching this blog unfold! It will be a blessing to many. Consider me one of your cheerleaders! GO GIRL!!! Cheri

    1. Words of wisdom and encouragement… not a surprise to hear them from you, dear Robyn!! Now I have a name for the chronic illness I live with daily – my "Divine Interruption". God is good ALL the time. Thanks for cheering me on!!

  2. YOU GO ROBYN! Loved the article, but more importantly….love your heart. You are the best and such a sweet reflection of the Lord! Cindi Ferrini

  3. What a wonderful article with an awesome message! Robyn, I love your heart for the Lord , for your family and for everyone who cross your path. I consider myself blessed to be one of those people.

  4. Hmmm….this Robyn McKelvy chick is pretty good at writing. She should write more. And finish a book. And start her own website. And do anything else she wants to do. Lol.

    Love ya!

    1. Austin, Did you just call your second ‘mom’ a ‘chick’? I bringing my paddle the next time I am in KC. Thanks for reading. Pass it on to your wife. Love, ‘Momma Robyn’

  5. Although I am not a mom, I must confess my divine interruption – marriage. Oh how I wanted a life of my own, at least until 27. When God placed Casey in my life, I found myself thinking, “Really God? Why does it have to be now?” Then once we were married, “Really God? Do you have to make it this hard so soon?” I mean, all newlyweds get a free ticket on the easy train, at least for the first year right? I’ve learned that the answer to that is a definite, NO. However, I am so thankful that God is sovereign and not me. The difficult refining that He has done in the lives of these two sinners in the past few months has been beyond rewarding.

  6. Did you have a ‘cold’ when you found out about Ryland? I always get a chuckle out of your story of having ‘colds” when you found out about having each of your kids. Blessings!

  7. Hey Robyn!
    I loved reading this post! The Lord has been teaching me a lot about trusting in Him and recognizing that His ways are higher than may ways. Trusting the Lord has what is best in store for me is a reoccurring theme, and I love the way that you put it here. Thanks for the reminder to keep my eyes focused on Him! Love you and miss you! —Laura

  8. Wow! How timely this is for me! There are so many things to juggle as a home-schooling mom of 5. I needed the reminder that God has plans for me that may not coincide with my own plans. I certainly agree that God knows best. Thank you Robyn.

  9. Wow! How timely this is for me! There are so many things to juggle as a home-schooling mom of 5. I needed the reminder that God has plans for me that may not coincide with my own plans. I certainly agree that God knows best. Thank you Robyn. Chantele

  10. What a great annionting you have going Robyn. Seems to me that you are really simplyfying and enjoying life. Thats the way GOD Intended for all of us. GOD BLESS you and your family. Now as far as my divine Interuption, well coming back with CHRIST in my life after 13 years of homelessness. He humbled me And I know his plan for me is extra UNordinary. And what a blessing just to here from you..,


    1. Robyn, sounds like you are really simplyfying and enjoying life the way GOD Intended for all of us.

  11. Love it!!! Obeyed God to go to the other side of the earth. Just got back from China with number three. Looking forward to reading more.

  12. Wow! That article on Divine Interruptions is Great!!! I am living in a Divine Interruption here in the middle of the Amazon Jungle with a family from the Yagua tribe. I think that God loves to give us these interruptions in order to demonstrate to us His sovereignty while at the same time revealing to us that for this reason we were born. Ephesians 1:18 talks of the “hope of His calling” This is the joy in living…. Destiny! It gives me great assurance of His special personal love for me.

  13. Robyn, this is wonderful. Who’d have THUNK all those years ago when we were kids the plans God had for us. This is fantastic.

  14. Loved it Robyn. You are such a blessing to so many. I look forward to reading all of your nuggets in the near future. Would really like to read a book from you too, but I’m sure that’s coming to a bookstore near ms very soon.

  15. Oh Robyn…fantastic article! I can hear your voice as I read every word and love the wisdom you impart. I needed this today!

  16. Hey Rob! Wow!!!! I appreciate your article and look forward tomany more to come! Thank you for your heart…. for being real…. for being Robyn.

  17. Robyn, I’m excited to see your work! And jealous, too. I had someone recently recommend I start a food blog, but my thoughts don’t flow out as freshly and comfortably as those of others like you. Thanks for doing this work. If you’re still matchmaking, I’m still available!

    1. Pam,

      This blog has been around a while, I just get the privilege of writing for it occasionally. Hummm..need a match, okay. God even knows this. Are you sure you are ready for His 'Divine Interruption' should He send one soon? Love, Robyn

  18. Hey Robyn, I really enjoyed your blog today. I wish I could say that I’ve only had one or two “divine interruptions’, but as you know, that’s just not how it is. However, God knows what He is doing and thankfully, I’m not in charge! I have had so many of these interruptions that I really don’t bother planning at all anymore 🙂 Life is an adventure and the Lord is my safari guide and truly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I look forward to reading your book. Oh, and I hope the herbal things we sent have helped Ray with his asthma! Love you girlfriend! Tobi

    1. Tobi,
      When you lost Todd and was raising many children along, then married Tim who had many children, you had to KNOW God was doing something very ‘divine’. No one would have ever planned or imagined what you have walked through. I certainly appreciate seeing the grace of God in you. Love, Robyn

  19. I stumbled across your blog from another that I frequent, and I felt like you must have peered in my window a few times in the last 4.5 years. We’ve had divine appointments that ranged from surprise layoffs (no better way to know the will of God in that moment than to be laid off!), to a surprise child, to 2 of my 3 children diagnosed as toddlers with a chronic condition requiring 24 hour care.

    What am I continuing to learn from this? Well, every layoff resulted in a better job. Every health condition has brought a new circle of friends, many of whom I never would have met and some who need Jesus. Every time of need has resulted in GREAT glory to God for his overwhelming provision. My heart has been expanded to care for the hungry and cold because I saw how God kept *us* from being hungry and cold.

    Like someone else posted, I’ve learned that all my planning is ridiculous, because (1) it rarely works and (2) God’s plan is *so* much better. The human part of me cringes at the thought of what our next divine appointment might be, because there is always a cost, but my spirit cries out, “Keep ’em coming, Lord!”

  20. Enjoyed this, Robyn! This is my first time getting to read something by you; hope it won't be the last!

  21. It's so nice to know that we are not alone, many are running this race with us. What an encouragement it is to see you tracks!

    God Bless,


  22. I love the way you tell others about God and his role in every area of your life. 🙂 My divine interruption right now is an adoption agency on suspension with China. Battling to trust and wait. Been waiting a little over 3 years and wondering. Can’t wait to see the outcome God has in store for us. Nothing is too hard for God and I know he is molding me and growing me as I wait on Him and his perfect timing.

  23. Robyn-you prayed and shared this same scripture with me during one of my many Divine Interventions-the death of my marriage. At the time I thought I was justified in my anger, and bitterness-but God! He wouldn't allow me move until I was willing to surrender my heart to Him and His plans. In fact he moved my heart to do just what I asked him not to make me do…I pray for my ex-husband and I pray for the girlfriends along the way thanking God for what He is doing in their lives. Surrendering continues to be an ongoing journey! God Bless-Victoria

    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11