Last Updated on March 20, 2018

“We need to do that!”

Sound like a familiar jingle that often runs through your head? Yeah, me too!

What is it about the “tyranny of the urgent” that causes us to lose sight of opportunities that really would make our lives so much richer?

My husband and I have discussed several times that we really should gather together some couples and have a meaningful weekly small group time. You see, this is something we did for a few years, several years ago with a group of seven couples and that was a time of deep growth for each of us. It was also a time filled with some seriously fun memory making!

A few of the men took turns leading the small group time and we learned much about what God thinks of marriage and parenting and we experienced the importance of relationship building with fellow believers. Doing life together really challenged us to share from the heart and we learned that being genuine is freeing.

We all became intertwined in all the right ways. The give and take of wise counsel, praying, laughing, crying and providing accountability caused each of us to experience life more authentically. Planning parties and celebrations together caused life to be more fun and exciting. We also ended up experiencing birthday and graduation celebrations, planning and organizing weddings, as well as supporting and grieving during deaths.

Living life with others truly does make life sweeter.

I remember each couple who was asked to be a part of this group saying it’s just what they had been longing for … which leads to the question, “Who in your life is longing to do life with you?”

This week at church a dear friend and her husband asked hubby and I if we would like to be a part of a small group they want to start – yep, true story, it happened.

Go figure … I was just longing to be asked.

Think and pray about what couples (or friends if you’re single) you might gather together to start a small group. Jot down a list and then start making phone calls. Plan a date and time to meet and discuss the idea over some dessert and coffee. I’m telling you … it will lead to a much fuller life.


Did you know that FamilyLife has made it easier to lead your own small group ministry? The HomeBuilders Series Bible studies have a variety of titles for couples and parents . . .  each complete with leader notes. Now 25% off through September 6!

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  1. This is one my biggest frustrations right now. I feel like I'm constantly asking ladies to meet with me for coffee, lunch, shopping, walking, whatever, and everyone is always too busy. They all say they WANT to, but ask again in a few weeks when things settle down. I just finished reading Dr. Meg Meeker's "10 Habits to Being a Happy Mother", and felt called to start a group to go through it together, but I'm ready to give up because it seems like everyone I talk to about it is interested but can't tell me what day or time might work for them. Maybe I need to lower my expectations and just pick a time and whoever makes the effort to come, comes.

    Part of me says this is just a bad stage of life to try to develop friendships, since I have two little ones in the house and another on the way. But I'm also lonely for female companionship, and that isn't going to go away just because I'm busy with my children all day.

  2. Sweet Megan…I feel your pain and I understand. We have moved several times so I have had to seek friendships over and over. Don't give up! Continue to pray about it and ask God to provide just the right person/people to ask. I do think sometimes you just have to set a date a time and offer food! I also think if you make it a small group it helps, I had success when I invited just three other ladies to start a book club. Maybe at this time in your life you could seek out a mentoring type relationship with an older mom who has an empty nest. She's feeling lonely in a way that you asking might really bless her! I just lifted up a prayer for you. Big Hug! Tracey

  3. Wow, Megan,its like you took the words right out of my mouth. I also have 2 little ones at home and I long for female companionship. But I hae settled that I will not settle for just anyone! I will keep praying and praying for God to direct me to those I need to reach to be a blessing to everyone!

    1. Hey there Gmom – it is encouraging that you are going to seek the Lord and see who He might want you to reach out to! Take that first step towards friendship and blessing others. I just lifted up a prayer for you! Blessings to you, Tracey