
Last Updated on March 11, 2024

Summer days can start getting long after a few weeks as kiddos begin to complain that they are “bored!” While I do enjoy participating with my children in fun activities, I also believe there is great value in having school aged children be “self-directed” throughout a portion of their day.

We are trying this new game called “Boredom Buster Bingo.” Linked below are two types of printable bingo cards. One is already filled in with ideas to keep your kids busy with various options throughout their day. The other bingo card is blank so you can customize it with activities you know your kids have interest in or new areas you desire for them to try.

The idea is to print a card for each child that will participate and give them the time frame they have to get a “BINGO” on their card. As they complete an activity in a square, they can cover it with a sticker, color it in, or cross it out. You can also challenge them with getting a “full card” in a determined amount of time.

As for “rewards,” try to keep it simple and related to what motivates your child/ren. One idea for keeping the focus off of the reward is to have it be a team effort (if you have more than one child). An example would be putting a predetermined amount of money in a family jar for each “full card.”. Once there is enough money, the family could go out for ice cream together.

How about keeping the reward focused on others?? As a family, choose someone to bless that has a need. Add money to the jar and give to that person/organization at the end of the summer.

From one mom to another, hope this helps!!


 Crafts_Bingo Card_Filled In

Crafts_Bingo Card_Blank

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  1. Just Pinned this great idea for the kids. Thanks.

    1. Hope your kids enjoy it!!

  2. This is a great idea! I’ll be using it soon. Thanks:)