
Last Updated on March 11, 2024

This has been a less than normal summer and many facets of the fall season are up in the air. Summer will be over soon and our kiddos will be back to a fall schedule before we know it. Infuse some intentional fun in the last days of Summer, beat back fretting over the unknown, and create, as a family, fun times to connect.

  1. Go to the park, yard or family room floor and have an end of Summer picnic.
  2. Bake something yummy. Make cupcakes  and let the kids decorate them with sandwich bags filled with frosting – with or without decorator’s icing tips.
  3. Stay up late one more night and go on a flashlight walk (outdoor, or indoor!) as soon as it gets dark.
  4. Have one more pajama day. Watch movies and talk about them.
  5. Spend alone time with each child having a special special meal or doing a fun activity. Listen to their heart as they talk. Ask more questions.
  6. Plan a special evening with your spouse. (For single moms share with a trusted friend.) Talk about how you can help each other and make times to connect when the kids fall lessons start back up.
  7. Have one more water fight outside (or inside for the brave!) water balloons tucked away in a cooler insures extra fun.
  8. Play a board game or put a puzzle together. Decide now what night of the week will be “Family Night” when fall activities start.
  9. Make photo books on Shutterfly or other photo book service with all your Summer pictures.
  10. Put on some classical music and have the kids take turns being the conductor – take pics of their movements and facial expressions and share afterwards!
  11. Clean out your closests and playroom shelves, and donate toys to those in need.
  12. Create an ice cream buffet – and pile on the yummies.
  13. Help your child determine a list of goals for the upcoming school year and how they will meet them.
  14. Make cards and draw pictures to give to grandparents and elderly neighbors…or send to a nursing home to bless strangers.
  15. Determine which upcoming online Bible study or local women’s group you’ll participate in this Fall.
  16. Go on a safari … via the internet, and find some amazing photos of wild animals to ohh and aaah over!
  17. Create family “help out” coupons and put them in a jar, when someone is having a low day this fall – they get to draw one out!
  18. Blow bubbles.
  19. Play in the sprinkler.
  20. Plan a special breakfast for first day of lessons and do all the cooking together!
  21. Create a “this and that” craft box and spend an afternoon making crafts.
  22. Video tape the kids doing chores, days later tell them you have something awesome to show them and cheer like they just won the state championship – silly moms are always appreciated!
  23. Have an indoor camp out!
  24. Go barefoot and make your feet summertime happy…one more time!
  25. August is National Friendship Month. Have everyone send a special note to a special friend!
  26. Hide and go seek in the house … it’s more fun in the dark with a flashlight.
  27. Beat the heat, have a no cooking dinner – each family member gets to choose an item to throw into the mix!
  28. Have the kids perform an impromptu “fast act” play – their sped up version of a family favorite book or movie!
  29. Stay out in the yard under the stars. Teach your children the constellations. Point out the Big Dipper.
  30. See if you can create your own interesting museum exhibits, each kid sets one up and explains. Have fun with it!
  31. Make your own ice cream.
How will you make the last days of Summer special?

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