
Last Updated on February 25, 2024

  1. Who will be your Master?
  2. What will be your Mission?
  3. Who will be your Mate?

A very successful businessman believes these statements are three of the most important decisions a person will make in life.

First, he believes you must make a decision on who will be your master in life. This businessman chose God as his Master and has a personal relationship with Him. The next defining decision is your mission in life. A person must determine what gives meaning and purpose in life and pursue it. Lastly, seek guidance from the master designer of marriage, God, for your partner in life.

These three statements are so simple, yet profound. This businessman made choices in life and now decades later he enjoys a well-balanced life, operates a successful business, and is passionate about his bride of over 50 years!

Recently, my husband and I were invited to speak to a class of 7th and 8th grade boys and girls in an inner-city school about marriage and relationships. The majority of the youth live in single parent homes where the mother is the sole provider and in some cases marriage was not a familiar experience. I have a similar background and yearn for these students to know a better life.

As we concluded our presentation we posed the same three decisions of that businessman as questions … Who will be your master in life? What will be your mission in life? Who will be your mate in life?

It was not meant to be specific, but to open their minds to the possibilities. It may sound burdensome to even think a teen would consider such decisions. However, I personally know that life has a way of moving forward and leaving one behind. It is never too early to cast a vision for life and then to empower a child with hope and confidence and guidance to pursue life.

Three simple decisions can make a grand difference in a life and impact a generation.

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