Last Updated on July 20, 2012

Being a mom of young kids has just about exhausted me the last two weeks. My husband has been out of town probably 10 out of the last 14 days and if that won’t put a mom on edge I don’t know what will.

In the process I have been learning a lot about my level of patience (or should I say my lack of patience). See, I get on this train of thought that I should always get my way.  But when I chose to be a mom, I essentially and simultaneously chose to give up my rights.

Let me clarify that statement: I chose to think of someone else before myself.

My kids need my attention every minute, for something. And I have to say it is a real challenge. I have become a teacher, a nurse, a storyteller, a cook, a chauffeur, a maid, and the list goes on. Wearing all these hats doesn’t leave much time for me.

But I was reminded this week as I read the Bible that I am to endure everything. That may sound harsh to some, but my kids are just that: KIDS. I am to train them in all things from the very basic to the most intricate. That is what I signed up for; that is my job, my responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, my husband does a great deal. But I am home all day with the kids and that is our primary time of teaching.

I love being a mom, but sometimes it just gets hard and your nerves get shot and your patience wears thin. We are human, we all make mistakes, none of us are perfect, not one.

So, as my days seem to grow longer and my patience grows shorter, I remember I am not perfect yet, reminding myself that this is my calling, my job and I must endure. This season of life will fly by, and then they will all be gone to college, and I will wish I had them all back home.

I will get my time for myself soon enough, but until then I will endure … and enjoy!

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  1. I would like to make it easier for moms such as yourself to get time to themselves. I have two step sons, 12 and 7. They are very good boys and I couldn't have asked for more when I married into this family. Because I have it quite a bit easier, I would like to start a small group that would go around to other mothers and take the kids/house off of their hands for a while, so to say. What we would do is make an appointment on a weekend day or an evening. My small group would come over to help clean, cook, and would take the kids out of the house for you (or keep them home while you go out). I don't necessarily want to use it as an evangelical outreach, but would like to focus on encouraging other women, as we are to encourage each other in our walk. It would be a way for non-believers to see Christian women out there doing things for them with no strings attached. We would not preach to them, try to change their minds or even really talk about that. It would be for caring for the lost, not reaching them with words, but with actions. I've gotten on fire about it. I don't know how to start, but I know that God will move this ministry if I keep trying to get the word out.