Last Updated on March 20, 2018

Friendship – a beautiful word.  Being a single mom means spending time with friends is difficult and exceedingly necessary all at once.  Actually to all moms friendship is imperative.

Recently, I spent the day with a friend.  Such a nice day. Those are sweet words when each day has seemed more of a disappointment than a day to cheer.  I didn’t realize how desperately I needed to get nothing done, until I did that very thing…or didn’t do that thing??…um…er…I mean, I accomplished my goal of accomplishing nothing quite well and, surprisingly it felt great!  I visited with a friend who has been dear to me for as long as I can remember and probably even longer.

We talked of walking tightropes of sorrow and joy, and of finding things to give thanks for when there really didn’t seem to be one obvious thing to rejoice over.  We talked about our children and voiced our prayers for each one.  We shared fears, hopes, nightmares, and dreams.  We drank copious amounts of tea and the honey we poured into our tea was no sweeter than the fellowship.

I’m so surprised how much I needed it.  I shared that on the way to her home I feared the loss of to-do time even as I longed to visit.  She understood.  I cannot adequately express the heart-mending that occurred at that sweet little kitchen table.   I realized that time spent with a friend cannot be equaled by a to-do list completed.

I’m blessed.  I have friends who not only let me rest at their kitchen tables, but friends who call daily to check on me, friends who send funny cards that make me laugh out loud, friends who write inspirational letters, and friends who speak truth into my life.  The prayers I have voiced with friends have been precious and plentiful.  But rarely do I set aside time to just be with a friend.

I want my to-do list done and my house neat before I take the time to visit.  It’s surprising how easily we forget the clutter surrounding us when we sit and look into the eyes of a dear friend who understands us on every level – our cluttered house level, our overwhelmed life level, and our longing to be all God designed us to be level.

There is grace in friendship – grace to be cluttered, grace to be overwhelmed, grace to be tired and fussy, grace to be who we are, and grace to be where we are.  Let’s make time to fill our cups with tea and our hearts with the joy of friendship…we will be better for it.

That sweet time of sitting with sweet tea, sweet chocolate, and a sweet friend was just well…sweet.

I wish for you to put aside your to-do list for a day and spend some time with a dear friend.  You’ll be encouraged to share your trials and triumphs.  You will be inspired hearing hers.  You will find strength in the grace of a friendship lived well.

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One Comment

  1. I too have to force myself sometimes to make time for friendships. I am by nature much more of a task-focused person, but I have to remember, God’s heart is for relationships! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂